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High ding rate = cheating?

Sat, Dec 31 2016 5:26 PM (437 replies)
  • Magpiesaregood
    265 Posts
    Sun, Jul 24 2016 9:24 PM



    Hi AB

    Why shouldn't they explain (be it in a private message) why they ban a player? The way I see it, there is really only a few ways you can cheat, auto ding, CE or editing the code of the game. 

    I am not suggesting they provide details on how they determine this or what they use to detect these, but I do suggest they provide proof if they make the accusation (and ultimately the decision).

    But if they do have systems in place to "actually" monitor auto dinger's, CE or code editing, then why not say "you have been banned because we detected an auto dinger (called "abc") or CE or a code editing pack?

    Because it caused this long speculative thread

    Because giving the full reason makes it easy/easier for him or someone else to get around system next time

    Because if they give without a doubt proof inevitably you will have to show details also; proof is in details. Give name of program? Sounds like a very bad idea

    Not telling everyone why he got banned exactly does not decrease wgt's credibility. In fact very much the complete opposite in this case.

    Less is definitely more 


    Hi AB

    I'm not disagreeing with your reasoning I am merely trying to understand it, hopefully you can help.

    What caused this long speculative thread in the first place? I would have thought the speculation itself. As you mentioned, proof is in the details, therefore if there was detail it would eliminate the speculation and this "long speculative thread".

    How would giving the reason i.e the use of an auto dinger, CE or program editing pack make it easier to get around the system next time? By not using an auto dinger, CE or program editing pack? Is that getting around the system? Sounds like a good alternative to me. Or if that's not the case, then what is?

    Give the name of the program, sounds like a very bad idea, why? Because people wont use them and need to find something else? At least people wont use them !! and if they find something else, then they (WGT) keep up with the times and eliminate those also. Plus, how many of them are there? are we talking there's multitudes of ways to manipulate the system? If there is, inform WGT so their aware of them.

    To me anyway, there should be no speculation, assumptions or doubt when we are talking of the decisions of this magnitude.

    Hope you can help in clarifying some of the above.


  • AgentBrown123
    907 Posts
    Sun, Jul 24 2016 10:31 PM


    So then why the big uproar?

      Uproar ? Dinging ? 

      Some people " pick it up " very quickly . and are able to ding over 90% of the time by the first year . Others like myself take a hellalot longer . I could probably count all my dings in my first 4 years on my fingers and toes . 

      Now I ding a lot . So ---- what ? What does dinging have to do with the ball going in the hole ? As opposed to very good low scoring non dinging players . Nothing . Because a person can ding all day long even 100% ( not ) . And still not make it in the hole . You also have to know where to move the aimer and why . Then if you were a dinger . it would pay off . Because you know the game . 

      Do these auto dingers also move the aimer for them .

      This IMO is another one of those non issues . Because there are probably so few of them . And not a concern to anyone . Just like the multi accounters . 

    Just wondering, who do you know that dings at 90%? You might be able to help wgt;)

    Also, I would think if you're a dinger and you ding and you are aimed at hole ball go in. Now if you're a dinger and don't hit ding and you are aimed at hole, now you risk missing hole. That's the only thing I can think of that relates to dinging and ball going in hole. 


    I better go to bed, getting delerious


  • Tigerpaw509
    1,285 Posts
    Mon, Jul 25 2016 3:56 PM

    14 million users per Wgt  and 3 very top players accused of cheating....can we move on .There gone its over.

  • krskfr
    458 Posts
    Mon, Jul 25 2016 4:21 PM

    14 million users per Wgt  and 3 very top players accused of cheating....can we move on .There gone its over.

    its funny everyone making a fuss and writing long posts regarding these guys... im with you, it's over... lets move on.

  • mkg335
    5,491 Posts
    Mon, Jul 25 2016 5:05 PM


    14 million users per Wgt  and 3 very top players accused of cheating....can we move on? .There They're gone, it's over.

    Go ahead, we'll save your place in case you want to come back.  Don't mind the corrections above, old habits die hard.

  • AgentBrown123
    907 Posts
    Mon, Jul 25 2016 5:11 PM

    Just a heads up I edited some of my previous messages in relation to maggiepie and jimbog's post replay's, didn't want to clutter forum with my useless rants :). The edit was just an extra response to your inquiries


  • gimmeaclub4
    764 Posts
    Mon, Jul 25 2016 5:18 PM

    Sand Save 43.67%

    Great stats there, just need a little work from the

  • mkg335
    5,491 Posts
    Mon, Jul 25 2016 5:35 PM


    14 million users per Wgt  and 3 very top players accused of cheating....can we move on .There gone its over.

    its funny everyone making a fuss and writing long posts regarding these guys... im with you, it's over... lets move on.

    Feel free to exit whenever you like, no one's forcing you to be here.


  • AgentBrown123
    907 Posts
    Mon, Jul 25 2016 5:52 PM

    True mkg, if you don't care to talk about perhaps either the best player ever or the biggest cheat ever, just resort to playing wgt. 

    We're having something called a discussion, adults do this sometimes. :)