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Uneven Lies Ryder Cup is ON!

Fri, Feb 21 2014 9:44 AM (383 replies)
  • iconian
    599 Posts
    Sat, Feb 8 2014 2:41 PM

    Hi everyone:)

    First of all, I want to thank fmags and jsweet for coming in on time, that was awesome. We also had a fun round, which started with me shanking it into the bunker short and then hitting this to save face...

    full size pics are here &



    end result. all square

  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Sat, Feb 8 2014 7:00 PM

    Wow! What a cracking match! Congratulations to all of you on that birdie fest, and especially well played Jon, holding your own and more amongst these stellar names. Bravo!

    I sense that could be a crucial half point for the ROW team...

    Thanks for sharing the cards and stats, Icon... And that was a very sweet bunker shot on #10. (But three 3-putts!!! Most unlike you!)

    Overall competition score: Team ROW: 5  |  Team USA: 4

  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Sat, Feb 8 2014 7:06 PM

    Match A :: appears to be set for US players' Saturday/ROW players' Sunday morning

    John (oneeyedjohn): your 7am local time, Sunday morning.

    Jean (Bonalyau): your 8am local time, Sunday morning

    Dave (Cygnus3000): your 7pm local time, Saturday evening

    Jim (jimbech): your 4pm local time (PST), Saturday afternoon

    But I'm disappointed to see that Match A has not taken place on schedule. It was due to start 3 hrs ago, I believe.

    I'm sorry I wasn't around to help sort things out, and I have a report from Jim that the ROW team was not fully present... but no indication as to whether an alternate was sought, or if attempts were made to reach any co-captains. A post in the thread at least would have alerted our stand-by players (including Alcaucin, who was available at this time).

    You all had a wide window of at least 4 hours, so I'm also wondering why that wasn't a first resort, and whether or not you can still play towards the end of that window. I do see 3 of you online currently.

    Please post in the thread with a suggested plan. I do realize that Sunday is not easy for either of the US players.

    You all have overlap on the schedule for weekdays, and Monday/Tuesday would still fit within our deadline for week 2 matches, so perhaps I can suggest that you play then if it's not possible to just get it done now:

    Thus, in about 45 hours from now:

    John (oneeyedjohn): your 8am local time, Tuesday morning.

    Jean (Bonalyau): your 9am local time, Tuesday morning

    Dave (Cygnus3000): your 8pm local time (EST), Monday evening

    Jim (jimbech): your 5pm local time (PST), Monday afternoon

    Thanks, Corwyn


    ********  Edit: I understand from Dave that you are actually scheduled to try again tomorrow at midnight UTC (4pm Sunday WGT time):

    John (oneeyedjohn): your 7am local time, Monday morning.

    Jean (Bonalyau): your 8am local time, Monday morning

    Dave (Cygnus3000): your 7pm local time (EST), Sunday evening

    Jim (jimbech): your 4pm local time (PST), Sunday afternoon

    Again, I can't be online at that time, so please post here in the thread if you have problems, and note the Guidelines for using Alternates in the post below. Thanks!

  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Sat, Feb 8 2014 10:20 PM

    This is a repeat of the information about How to Use Alternates in the event of a no-show:

    This info was posted in the forum thread earlier, and is referenced in the opening post links.

    [If there is a] No-Show with no warning message that they cant make it, then if 3 players are ready to play, the group should wait a minimum of 10 minutes for the missing player to show up. If still no show, then the player with the missing partner (Team A) tries the alternates (in their signup order)

    Alternates are listed at the bottom of the Matches Sheets. Look for one with matching 'YES' or 'possible' availability at the time of your match. Also check the forum thread to see if someone has been put on stand-by. This particular weekend Alcaucin is on stand-by for the ROW team (with Priestess also on back-up), while TarheelsRule and Moosetaya are the current next-in-line players for the US team.

    If an alternate from Team A is not immediately available, then the opposing teammates (Team B) can try to find anyone on the Team A roster to jump in to immediately play. If the 2 teammates from Team B would rather postpone, then it is their choice.

    At least that way the team with a no-show can't select a "ringer" to play with.

    This is only to be used as a back-up plan to allow the possibility of the match to be played since 3 out of 4 players are already there.


    Please Friend Request the Alternates so you can see if they're green and ready if you run into problems. They've been informed of the scheduled start times of your matches, and will be on stand-by.

    And if you still have difficulties, please post in the thread as well as PM'ing a captain or myself. Someone's likely to see your message faster and be able to help.

    Thank you!

  • fmagnets
    3,638 Posts
    Sat, Feb 8 2014 10:35 PM

    A few questions for the singles. If we play matchplay we get extra holes if all square after 18. In the Ryder Cup, such a match would be over and halved. Should we end the match on 18 or continue to extra holes? 

    And if we are finishing halved matches on 18, can we then do strokeplay cards whilst keeping our matchplay score so everyone can see how everyone else does over 18 holes (it would be interesting!).

  • ColumbusStorm
    3,417 Posts
    Sat, Feb 8 2014 10:56 PM


    And if we are finishing halved matches on 18, can we then do strokeplay cards whilst keeping our matchplay score so everyone can see how everyone else does over 18 holes (it would be interesting!).

    Corwyn asked my opinion about the same thing. 

    I agree it would be interesting to see how everybody plays.

    However stroke play eliminates the strategy of being able to concede putts and makes the round take longer to play. If a player gets into trouble, they would not be able to concede the hole, instead they would be required to whack their ball 10 times. Also I would not be interested in taking time to try and make my par putt after you had already birdied to win the hole.


  • fmagnets
    3,638 Posts
    Sat, Feb 8 2014 11:02 PM

    Fair enough - so are we finishing on 18 if all square like the Ryder Cup, or playing extra holes?

  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Sat, Feb 8 2014 11:12 PM

    Finish on 18 if all square, just like in the real Ryder Cup!

    Thanks for asking!

    I made a case for keeping the Singles strokeplay, but I'm persuaded by Russ's argument that really this is a Matchplay competition through-and-through, even though the format limitations required us to play it in stroke for the first two series. And being Matchplay, we should make the most of the strategic possibilities offered by conceded putts etc. Also, it's a shorter game, which is a relevant factor given that these are now 18-hole matches.

    (And I say, please do share whatever you can in the description about your 'approximate' score, as I agree with you, it's fascinating in a tourney like this to get an idea of how your own performance compares to others in the tourney)

  • jimbech
    61 Posts
    Sun, Feb 9 2014 8:48 AM

    90% chance that i CANNOT play Sunday, so alternate will be preferable. Monday will work if the match is delayed again.

  • DAZZA501
    5,972 Posts
    Sun, Feb 9 2014 12:42 PM

    Played our best ball match. Dazza501 & Lolserver v Wesdogg & Dakotarov. Wes birdied the 10th to put USA 1up. We then shared the next 5 holes until Eric got a great birdie on 16 to square the match. The last 2 holes were all pars. A good match enjoyed by all.

    Match result: All Square