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My name is Yancy - I have talked my buddy Medford Mel into finally coming all up on the

Wed, Apr 18 2012 9:24 AM (13 replies)
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  • YancyCan
    3,027 Posts
    Fri, Apr 13 2012 12:53 PM



    I am Yancy

    Please welcome my buddy Medford Mel to the wgt and whatnots.

  • opyeuclid
    6,707 Posts
    Fri, Apr 13 2012 12:58 PM

    Hi Mel ..  Good to see you have joined WGT..


  • frappefort
    3,994 Posts
    Fri, Apr 13 2012 1:18 PM

    Welcome ,  :)

  • Davemuck63
    303 Posts
    Fri, Apr 13 2012 2:10 PM

    Welcome Medford Mel.  Have fun, keep hitting those fairways.  Looking at your profile pic I thought you might be someone I knew named John Marston. Anyways, have fun.



    1,533 Posts
    Fri, Apr 13 2012 2:10 PM

    HOWDY!!!   Mel


  • drmoose
    3,535 Posts
    Fri, Apr 13 2012 2:21 PM

    Welcome Medford Mel, any friend of Yancy's, well, you get the idea.


  • MedfordMel
    20 Posts
    Fri, Apr 13 2012 2:29 PM



  • YancyCan
    3,027 Posts
    Fri, Apr 13 2012 2:57 PM

    Please welcome my buddy Medford Mel to the wgt and whatnots.

    My fellow common man Medford Mel is a man of very little wordage - just an FYI.

    He done has this theory and such that the less words you use the longer you will be around to talk about whatnot and such. Mel truly is the brains behind our "paranormal explorables" all up on the wgt and out in the real terra firma.

    Regards - My name is Yancy

  • Fuzzygazz
    1,469 Posts
    Fri, Apr 13 2012 3:37 PM

    hi m

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Fri, Apr 13 2012 4:09 PM

    Hello Mel.  Welcome!  Glad to see you're out of Beta and whatnots finally!

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