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Thu, Jul 25 2024 12:26 AM (1,024 replies)
  • Robert1893
    7,700 Posts
    Tue, Jan 18 2022 9:13 AM


    Don't play games with me Henry, you know full well why you aren't in the list.


  • HenryKawa
    1,722 Posts
    Wed, Jan 19 2022 10:39 PM


    Don't play games with me Henry, you know full well why you aren't in the list.

    No, I actually don't know anything about that list.  If you would indulge me - how does a person get on the list?  Is it an automatic thing or do you have to be put on the list manually by someone who is in charge of it?   Thank you Scott.  You have always been fair to me.     

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Thu, Jan 20 2022 8:54 AM

    No, I actually don't know anything about that list.  If you would indulge me - how does a person get on the list?

    The hit a drive at least 400yds, not 385.57 Yd for instance.

  • ScottHope
    10,234 Posts
    Thu, Jan 20 2022 9:16 AM

    I'll add you to the list Henry if you do as DP stated. Must be in a ranked game though and I believe it has to stop on a fairway or green.

    If you achieve a distance of between 399.50yds and 399.99yds it will be rounded up and listed in your stats as 400yds, this will not count and you will not be added to the list. The true distance can be found in your awards under MASTER YOUR GAME > [tier] Long Drive.

  • Robert1893
    7,700 Posts
    Thu, Jan 20 2022 10:34 AM

    No, I actually don't know anything about that list.  If you would indulge me - how does a person get on the list?  Is it an automatic thing or do you have to be put on the list manually by someone who is in charge of it?   Thank you Scott.  You have always been fair to me.   

    So, about a list you "actually don't know anything about," you asked this question: "Why am I not able to find my name on the list?"

    Besides not having hit a verifiable drive of 400 yards or more, maybe the reason you couldn't find your name is you didn't know anything about the list? 

    Just a thought. 

  • blackridgenik
    106 Posts
    Thu, Jan 20 2022 1:20 PM

    Does 405 yds count, just over the line !

  • ScottHope
    10,234 Posts
    Thu, Jan 20 2022 1:37 PM

    Indeed it does blackridgenik. Added.  ; )

  • tramilleo
    1,874 Posts
    Thu, Jan 20 2022 1:55 PM

    406.05 im in , but i did this feat 5 years ago lol

  • OSUFrank
    121 Posts
    Thu, Jan 20 2022 2:38 PM

    Wolf Creek 17rh hole.  Little wind, hit one of those Creek Boulders for 456.  Probably 2 years ago though.  

  • opyeuclid
    6,707 Posts
    Thu, Jan 20 2022 4:31 PM


    So, about a list you "actually don't know anything about," you asked this question: "Why am I not able to find my name on the list?"

    Besides not having hit a verifiable drive of 400 yards or more, maybe the reason you couldn't find your name is you didn't know anything about the list? 

    Just a thought. 



    EDIT :   You Sir have won a prize , pic a sleeve any sleeve and the gift is yours ! or if a few CC passes and a putting pal .  

    EDIT#2 :    Sorry for highjacking this thread with a gift but it was on my list .