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Thu, Jul 25 2024 12:26 AM (1,024 replies)
  • dhjam1
    577 Posts
    Tue, Dec 17 2019 11:20 AM

    Wolf with some tailwind

  • LVezzoli
    864 Posts
    Tue, Dec 17 2019 2:58 PM

    429 yards here. In my stats. I don’t recall the course and hole.


  • pearljammmmer
    4,268 Posts
    Wed, Dec 18 2019 6:24 AM


    my apologies to you..thouhght you meant my drive on cabo..hit a rock too and it flew 446 yrds

    Thanks for replying, all good sir - Cabo is definitely known for those "off the rock" drives...

  • CarSurferDude
    2,180 Posts
    Fri, Jan 3 2020 2:11 AM

    Here's my official entry.  A 414' because of a "rock bounce!" on Wolf Creek!  Enjoy!


  • CarSurferDude
    2,180 Posts
    Fri, Jan 3 2020 8:40 AM

    My "unusual" Entrance into the "400 Club"!  Playing in Bob's End of the Year MMCC Tourney, On a Wolf Creek hole, I drove (remember, I'm a carguy!) and hit a rock in the stream to give me a helluva forward bounce to go 414 yards!  Got an Award, too!


  • jacktrade51
    11,079 Posts
    Thu, Apr 30 2020 8:31 PM

    419 yards on St.A on #5 (as part of BOP5 in club clash), dead center in fairway.

    To be honest, I didn't even watch it.  21 mph tail wind, dinged it, figured it was out in the fairway 345-65 yards down there, went to make a drink.  Remembered the 400 yd club later or I would have saved the shot.

    Came back.  134 yards to hole … dropped a 1/2 back spin pw between top of ridge and the pin, it rolled down for a tap in eagle.

    I must have caught a really lucky landing on the first bounce for the ball to shoot forward like that.  Even with my TS3 driver, it doesn't go that far with only 21 mph wind.

    Not my first 400 yard drive, but the first one that ended up in the fairway.


    6,844 Posts
    Fri, May 1 2020 9:10 AM

    445 yards off the rocks 9-11 tailwind at 2 O'clock @ Cabo hole # 5....Forgot to save replay tho....


    496 Posts
    Fri, May 1 2020 8:10 PM

    4-27-20---10:00 PM PDT------******402 YARD DRIVE******------10TH HOLE------366 YARDS------ST ANDREWS B-9------W-*^16-17-18------BALL HIT AT 285-286 YARDS

    Click here to watch the replay, or copy and paste this link into your browser:

    My  ****402  YARD  DRIVE****  is also listed in my  **DRIVING  STATS**  (2ND  ONE)