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Most Consecutive Days Played!

Tue, Oct 10 2023 5:24 PM (481 replies)
  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,576 Posts
    Wed, Jan 25 2023 10:34 PM

    All of you not missing a single day for well over ten years... WOW!

    Nothing but RESPECT, guys! 👍👍🎊🎉

  • craigswan
    31,287 Posts
    Thu, Jan 26 2023 3:20 AM
    I might have made it but every time i went on holiday to the states wgt would not recognise me and refused to let me sign into my laptop . No problem now i have an i-pad .
  • PawelArtist
    8 Posts
    Thu, Jan 26 2023 11:18 AM

    Yesterday I achieved lvl 101, all consecutive days done. Today everything is gone. Did I miss something? All XP lost.

  • Shankette
    1,597 Posts
    Sun, Jan 29 2023 3:29 AM

    I slid past 4,500 days at the beginning of this week.  As a Premier Member those daily bonus XP awards are a huge help to my country club Aphrodite  :)


  • DuFussMcGoo
    2,878 Posts
    Sun, Jan 29 2023 11:01 AM

    I slid past 4,500 days at the beginning of this week. 


    This is (maybe?) the "highest" CDP in WGT land!

    Only 1 other player is over 4,000 CDP.

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,576 Posts
    Sun, Jan 29 2023 12:15 PM


    I slid past 4,500 days at the beginning of this week.  As a Premier Member those daily bonus XP awards are a huge help to my country club Aphrodite  :)


    Over 4,500! Simply amazing! Congrats, Ro!

    We've met in coin rooms every now and then, and you've always been a true class act, always saying hi first and wishing good luck to the opponent. A very skilled player as well with whom I gotta work my a$$ off to win. :)

    I don't chat much during playing but please know that I've got a huge respect for you. Cheers.