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It's time to fix the meter

Wed, Dec 23 2009 3:43 PM (0 replies)
  • ironking34
    749 Posts
    Wed, Dec 23 2009 3:43 PM
    I know I'm beating a dead horse but it's about time that wgt fix the meter bug. I know the crappy meter helps with lost balls and therefore helps with more ball purchases but it's killing the game. I'm 6 under at KW ready-go going into 17 when it happens again for maybe the 20th time in my 17 hole; meter freezes up mid swing. The best problem on 17th is you can't recover from the rough when this happens because you're getting wet so double boogey. On 18 the meter strikes again.....Lost ball (first time I'm losing ball on 18) another double boogie and my 6 under becomes a 2 under. My 4th place becomes a 15th place. Let's do something reasonable WGT.......FIX DA will make the game more enjoyable.....Thanks