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Looking for a country club

rated by 0 users
Mon, Feb 19 2024 11:12 PM (2 replies)
  • Jezz073
    1 Posts
    Mon, Feb 19 2024 6:08 AM

    I am currently trying to figure out a country club to join.  Would be active, enjoy the game, and encourage people to try their best.  I know there are many to choose but any suggestions would be awesome.


  • phipster
    4,520 Posts
    Mon, Feb 19 2024 3:15 PM

    Personally I would look to join one of the smaller clubs with lots of active players who advertise on this forum looking for new members as relatively new players can get lost and just make up the numbers at the clubs with 100s of members...

    Also don't join a club where you feel pressured to play as WGT is just a game and one that should be played for fun...

    As you have probably already discovered - you don't know if you have chosen a club that suits you until you have been there for a few weeks so check out a few of them before you commit yourself...

    Good luck!

  • GreenLaser
    202 Posts
    Mon, Feb 19 2024 11:12 PM

    The club I'm in doesn't recruit (poach) players who are in other clubs, but since it sounds like you're wanting to leave the club you're in now, I don't think I'd be crossing the line to say that you'd be welcome in Insidious.  Sounds like we might be what you're looking for.