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Current Tapjoy Fiasco

Mon, Jul 15 2024 2:39 AM (20 replies)
  • sesky
    3,717 Posts
    Mon, Feb 12 2024 1:12 PM

    I guess I should have known better,

    Thought I would give the current Tapjoy 2x credit reward program a try. Picked out a game to try. Got to a couple of levels where I should have received credits but nothing. Contacted customer service, sent screen shots etc. They came back to me indicting that there was some sort of "Data Risk Assessment" involved and they were denying me my credits. Got back to them indicating that I wasn't trying to steal government documents that I was just playing a game to earn some credits. They said they would revisit the issue and get back to me. Just checked moments ago and have been blocked from the Tapjoy site. No response back, nothing. Just pulled the plug.

    What makes this all interesting is that I had researched Tapjoy last night and found out they had been investigated by the FTC for their practices. Guess some sort of settlement was reached between the parties. 

    I guess the moral to this is buyer beware.

  • callaghan159
    6,427 Posts
    Mon, Feb 12 2024 2:02 PM


    I had researched Tapjoy last night and found out they had been investigated by the FTC for their practices. Guess some sort of settlement was reached between the parties. 

    I guess the moral to this is buyer beware.

    ...and yet wgt still supports this company. Why?

  • Cicero733
    2,318 Posts
    Mon, Feb 12 2024 2:14 PM

    Sounds like Peanut Labs…anyone remember them?

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,706 Posts
    Mon, Feb 12 2024 3:11 PM


    Sounds like Peanut Labs…anyone remember them?

    Oh, yeah! The REAL shysters! LOL

  • Duphpherer
    477 Posts
    Mon, Feb 12 2024 7:27 PM

    After you begin playing any game, immediately go back into Tapjoy/reward status. If it doesn't say "continue" then chances are you're wasting your time. They implemented this system after ripping off so many players getting told by Tapjoy that the game was not "accredited" to that player, so nothing counted.

    Also, if they're not paying promptly at the first payoff point, stop playing until you see payoff. 

  • sesky
    3,717 Posts
    Tue, Feb 13 2024 12:51 AM


    After you begin playing any game, immediately go back into Tapjoy/reward status. If it doesn't say "continue" then chances are you're wasting your time. They implemented this system after ripping off so many players getting told by Tapjoy that the game was not "accredited" to that player, so nothing counted.

    Also, if they're not paying promptly at the first payoff point, stop playing until you see payoff. 

    Good to post information like this to help everyone understand the process of getting involved with these promos. 

    I was able to get on to the Tapjoy site this morning. My case is still in review status. The official wording for my rejection was due to something that trigged something in their Risk Detection System. Whatever,



  • Stlkcdc3
    340 Posts
    Tue, Feb 13 2024 5:09 AM

    The first time I tried TAPJOY was this 2x Promotion. Did not download any games or complete any surveys. Only did the small 2 click SEE ITs for 2, 4, 6, 11 credits (those are the x2 totals). Could do those for 15-20 minutes and get 400-600crs. Do it 2x a day and decent haul.    

  • CaptRon48
    190 Posts
    Tue, Feb 13 2024 6:44 AM

     I find it shocking that WGT takes no interest in managing it's third party vendors.That is not the way it works in RL. I currently have no access to surveys or Rev-U  meaning they do not work.

  • sesky
    3,717 Posts
    Tue, Feb 13 2024 12:19 PM

    WGT Customer Service sent me the following information:

    Please know that many of the free credit offers on WGT are not added instantly and may take up to at least 1 business day (5-8 business days for some) for the credits to be applied to your account. If this time has passed without receiving the credits or you are experiencing an issue, please fill out a support request with the appropriate surveyor because we do not have the ability to view the status of those credits nor whether the survey / offer was properly completed. The surveyor(s)/offeror(s) are the only ones that can review the database for a resolution.
    Below is a list of all of our Offer, Video and Survey providers and how to contact them.
    Please follow the link: 
    Peanut Labs :
    Visit the Earn Free Credits page: & Click on the My Transactions link. Here you will find the survey that is at issue, click it, and then click on Report a Problem
    SponsorPay :
    Please click on the Support button at the bottom left side while at the SponsorPay offer page.
    Social Vibe :
    Please follow this link -
    Radium One :
    Please click on the Missing Credits link while at the Radium One video page.
    RevU :
    If you are missing your Credits from RevU, please visit the RevU offerwall, and hit the customer support icon in the top right corner. It will list all offers you have clicked, and you can submit your support inquiry directly there. If it says you need to wait a certain amount of time, that means the amount of time it takes the offer to reward credits has not passed yet, so please be patient because not all offers reward Credits instantly
    We appreciate your patience in this matter and thank you for playing World Golf Tour.
    WGT Member Services

  • sesky
    3,717 Posts
    Tue, Feb 13 2024 1:22 PM


    The first time I tried TAPJOY was this 2x Promotion. Did not download any games or complete any surveys. Only did the small 2 click SEE ITs for 2, 4, 6, 11 credits (those are the x2 totals). Could do those for 15-20 minutes and get 400-600crs. Do it 2x a day and decent haul.    

    Thanks so much for this tip. I wasn't sure at first what this was all about until I found my first SEE IT site then I understood.