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obtaining new equipment

rated by 0 users
Thu, Jan 11 2024 4:51 PM (3 replies)
  • DeKomP0
    2 Posts
    Fri, Jan 5 2024 2:25 AM

    i tried to purchase new clubs using coins , but failed it gave the option but directed me to card payment details only ? has anyone bought using wgt coins or did i read wrong ?

  • GreenLaser
    197 Posts
    Sun, Jan 7 2024 2:08 PM

    You can't buy clubs with coins, only with credits (or actual money.)  There are some club sets that show up on the app that you can rent for a week with coins.

  • Squatch031
    189 Posts
    Mon, Jan 8 2024 1:52 PM

    You can buy club sets with coins.  If directing you to purchase more coins, you may not have enough in your account for the set you were attempting to purchase.

  • AnaNikolaj
    639 Posts
    Thu, Jan 11 2024 4:51 PM


    You can't buy clubs with coins, only with credits (or actual money.)  There are some club sets that show up on the app that you can rent for a week with coins.

    Correct. Coins are only good for upgrading apparel (that can enhance your clubs' performance), renting (bad) club sets and playing in coin rooms.