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E ZEE Country Club

Wed, Apr 3 2024 11:15 AM (1 replies)
  • Ess3xGooner
    711 Posts
    Thu, Dec 21 2023 11:56 AM

    We are a level 19 Country Club.

    We have Regular Tourneys and Challenges.

    We run a handicap system that levels the playing field for major tourneys

    We have both PC Players and mobile players

    Several times a Year we have a Major Tournament that coincides with the PGA Tour.

    A friendly club with good hearted members and zero pressure.

    We are NOT on Discord.

    Your welcome to visit us, and if inclined to join us.

    We only ask that you read the club forum to keep up to date with club events,

    and to use your free daily pass for club XP

  • BPeterson8256
    2,910 Posts
    Wed, Apr 3 2024 11:15 AM


    A friendly club with good hearted members and zero pressure.

    I just played Alt Shot with 3 members of E ZEE CC, including the club owner, LindsayGirl. If the rest of the club is even close to them, then I highly recommend the club for anyone looking for A friendly club with good hearted members.

    Thanks for the game!

