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Daily Goals Problem??

rated by 0 users
Wed, Sep 6 2023 10:48 AM (24 replies)
  • sesky
    3,703 Posts
    Sat, Sep 2 2023 5:47 PM

    Just got my newly individual goals updated for the week. There are only 2 daily goals and 1 weekly goal posted. All the prize levels are still the same up to 150 stars. If you do the math, if this continues for the rest of the week of getting only 2 daily goals per day and no more weekly goals, you can only amass 85 stars.

    Something wrong here??

  • AlaskanDame
    19,768 Posts
    Sat, Sep 2 2023 6:26 PM

    Mine looks the same, sesky.


  • sesky
    3,703 Posts
    Sat, Sep 2 2023 6:52 PM

    I'm guessing that since the new CC goals only have 2 daily and 1 weekly, that somehow when the change over came for the new daily/weekly goals for individuals, the programs somehow got merged.

    Can anyone say Downtime Coming

  • bwsq
    100 Posts
    Sat, Sep 2 2023 7:27 PM


  • AlaskanDame
    19,768 Posts
    Sat, Sep 2 2023 8:10 PM

    Sesky, that’s just almost word for word what I wrote to my club when they questioned the goals they were given!  (Before I looked here.)

  • Taz7466
    146 Posts
    Sat, Sep 2 2023 11:45 PM

    The format for individual goals now must be the most insane decision yet. As for the CC goals,  they should be based on the number of members instead of the club level.  I guess that would be too logical though, so never going to happen. 

  • bossbird
    2,253 Posts
    Sun, Sep 3 2023 12:45 AM

    WGT need to do a drastic re think on all goals and achievements . There is nothing to engage the player , the goals as individuals are meaningless, the goals as a cc are a farce ! 
    I would go so far as saying it is switching more people off of playing than on !  

  • Nancy1959
    7,393 Posts
    Sun, Sep 3 2023 1:29 AM

    Yes, to all comments.  WGT would do better to remove the cap at level 200 if they want to make more money.  The majority of level 200 members have stopped spending a dime in this game or have quit altogether, for the simple reason of not being able to "go for that next level."  Nobody was asking for better clubs to buy, but WGT doing this just took away all incentive of continuing to get xp.  The next brilliant idea to totally squash credit-paying members to stop buying credits was to remove any incentive for CC's to continue to get xp.

    They thought the new "Goals and Achievements" feature would replace that, but it's a farce because they don't want to give anything away of value.  Unless someone plays with free balls, it cost more money to get almost no credits than what you can win.  And now, people can't even get most of those, lol?  

    It's almost comical how clueless they are...


  • AnaNikolaj
    639 Posts
    Sun, Sep 3 2023 1:48 AM

    It's almost comical how clueless they are


    Still trying to decide whether this is hilarious or sad.... Probably both. 

  • sesky
    3,703 Posts
    Sun, Sep 3 2023 1:53 AM


    Sesky, that’s just almost word for word what I wrote to my club when they questioned the goals they were given!  (Before I looked here.)

    Yep, unfortunately it seems like every time a new aspect to the game gets introduced, an existing part of the game gets bushwhacked