Pin selection does not work.
I did an analysis of this a few months ago.
There are 8 courses that have multiple hole locations (prior to today's update).
First of all, the dropdown selections for the hole locations is not consistent. One would think they would all be Easy / Medium / Hard. They're not. Three of them are E/H/M and one of them is M/E/H.
Apart from the sloppiness of the coding, that doesn't bother me too much.
The bigger problem is that no matter which hole location you choose, it's much more likely than not that the tournament will be created with something other than what you chose.
My analysis included 48 rounds. Each pin location was used twice on each of the 8 courses. Here are the results:

As you can see, only 9 of the 48 tournaments were created with the hole locations that I chose.
If cut-off jeans are a higher priority than allowing use to create tournaments with a specific set of hole locations, who am I to argue? :-\