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*** Downtime Tonight 7/24 ***

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Wed, Jul 26 2023 3:08 PM (21 replies)
  • Lolandy0
    8 Posts
    Tue, Jul 25 2023 6:41 AM


    We have lost 63 members from CC since update. Is this anything to do with the update?Please can we have them back.


    Kettering UK

  • nopro17
    17,396 Posts
    Tue, Jul 25 2023 8:03 AM

    It seems that the "Last Round" column of the members list on a club's home page now shows the actual date of a member's last ranked round.  Up until yesterday, this column showed the date that the member last played.

    Right now, there's no way to tell if people who play mostly coin games, CTTH, alt shot and probably other types of non-ranked rounds are even active.

    As a club owner, I want to know that my members are active in some way.  Did you move the "last played" date somewhere else?  Is it gone forever?

    40 Posts
    Tue, Jul 25 2023 8:25 AM

    Alt shot is a form of ranked round and counts towards total

  • pmm711
    5,789 Posts
    Tue, Jul 25 2023 11:52 AM


    Alt shot is a form of ranked round and counts towards total

    That's definitely not correct.  Alt-Shot does not count as a RR.

  • grossstadtkerl
    287 Posts
    Tue, Jul 25 2023 12:32 PM


    It seems that the "Last Round" column of the members list on a club's home page now shows the actual date of a member's last ranked round.  Up until yesterday, this column showed the date that the member last played.

    Right now, there's no way to tell if people who play mostly coin games, CTTH, alt shot and probably other types of non-ranked rounds are even active.

    As a club owner, I want to know that my members are active in some way.  Did you move the "last played" date somewhere else?  Is it gone forever?

    I totally agree with you. Also I am still missing the Weekly Leaderboard to review the overall performance of my club.


  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Tue, Jul 25 2023 1:34 PM

    It seems that the "Last Round" column of the members list on a club's home page now shows the actual date of a member's last ranked round.  Up until yesterday, this column showed the date that the member last played.

    I played a one hole coin game to check and it still says the 23rd :-(  And what is this totally meaningless "lowest 18", next that'll be getting used as our average.  

    Seriously of all the things that are wrong wgt choose to change, and ruin, something that was working fine.  Why?

    If I could go back ten versions, miss the last ten updates, what would I lose on gameplay?

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Tue, Jul 25 2023 1:42 PM



    We have lost 63 members from CC since update. Is this anything to do with the update?Please can we have them back.

    It's the new holes wgt introduced in this update.  It was intended to massively increase ball usage but it seems the effects have been more far reaching :-(

  • nopro17
    17,396 Posts
    Tue, Jul 25 2023 4:14 PM

    And what is this totally meaningless "lowest 18", next that'll be getting used as our average.  

    I thought mine was good at 41 (on the Best of Par 3s ... which shouldn't even be in the conversation for a "Best 18" score) ... but then I looked at the rest of my club members:



    Pretty good for a Tour Pro!

  • DelahayeG
    763 Posts
    Tue, Jul 25 2023 10:01 PM


    merci WGT pour cette mise à jour qui, une nouvelle fois, ne résout rien et sur rajoute de la difficulté dans la gestion de nos maisons.

    Peut être n'avons nous pas la même conception de la gestion de nos membres. Je rejoins complétement les propos de Nopro17, désormais les propriétaires de club seront des acteurs passifs sans possibilité d'impulser la vie du club, au bénéfice de WGT. Je vois dans un avenir proche la disparition des clubs au profit de joueurs individuels plus faciles à manipuler.

    Les "évolutions" ou présentées comme telles ne sont que le fruit de réflexion sans cohérence et ne répondant pas aux besoins exprimés par les membres de la communauté WGT.

    Et pourtant, il est patent de constater qu'un nombre important de joueurs ont délibérément cessé de jouer, car ne trouvant plus d'attrait dans ce jeu, dont la convivialité, l'amitié et le challenge sont des moteurs. Désormais il est question de rentabilité du jeu avec comme exemple la durée de vie des balles fortement diminuée..

    A quand l'apparition des nouveaux parcours promis depuis  des années, les vraies  solutions aux anomalies remontées via le forum et relatives aux conditions de jeu.


  • AndyJames123
    77 Posts
    Wed, Jul 26 2023 2:46 AM

    anyone else having problems with putting since update? ive got no white line to the hole when i view putts from the front, its there when i view putts from behind