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Tip the masters winner here .

Sun, Apr 30 2023 6:02 AM (7 replies)
  • craigswan
    31,287 Posts
    Thu, Apr 6 2023 6:48 AM

    Rahm .

  • craigswan
    31,287 Posts
    Mon, Apr 10 2023 3:03 AM

    Called that one right . No bet on though .

    I guess the joke will be that those LIV players can only play 3 rounds .

  • SamSpayed
    4,953 Posts
    Mon, Apr 10 2023 4:34 PM

    I guess the joke will be that those LIV players can only play 3 rounds .

    Phil Mickelson had a 4th round 65, which was the lowest 4th round score.

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Mon, Apr 10 2023 5:09 PM

    By 2 x LIV golfers coming in tied for second place, they brought much needed publicity to the LIV circuit. Rory and Tiger were left in the dust. 

    Rahm won the Masters, but the big winner here was LIV golf.

  • tramilleo
    1,874 Posts
    Mon, Apr 10 2023 8:51 PM

    as a golf fanatic i love the pga liv dp etc  i dont care about people's  politics i watch for the skill.  i so wanted Brooks to win, But Rahm is a beast and earned that victory..  Phil tied for 2nd i love it  hate if you want but not all of us are sanctimonious. 

  • craigswan
    31,287 Posts
    Tue, Apr 11 2023 2:25 AM

    "This one is for Seve. I knew he would be up there helping and help he did."

    Yep - Still the man .

    Seve Ballesteros GIFs |

  • craigswan
    31,287 Posts
    Sun, Apr 30 2023 5:59 AM

     New Saudi-backed LIV pro golf league will be getting a big brown package delivered, in the form of a pro golfer that looks exactly like a UPS delivery person.

    UPS sponsored golf pro, Louis Oosthuizen, has agreed to wear a duplicate uniform on course, the same as your faithful UPS delivery person, including the baggy brown shorts, floppy sun hat, sensible boots, and clip on computer pad..

    "I'll be using a metal moving dolly, the exact same as the UPS driver's as well," explained Louis, "And keeping my clubs in a long cardboard box."

    That's right, to complete the look, Oosthuizen will be totting his own clubs around in a long brown box, strapped to a moving cart..

    image for Pro Golfer Will Dress Exactly Like A UPS Delivery Person

  • craigswan
    31,287 Posts
    Sun, Apr 30 2023 6:02 AM

    Gators have a courting season in April every year - and they mate in May and June..

    A couple of retired lady golfers have just been reported missing by their husbands. .

    Huge Gator at a Seabring, Florida golf Course..

    They call him 'Big Don' (after the former President) - as he is always chasing the female gators..

    image for Tilly the traveler - Massive Gator 'Big Don' at Florida Golf Course