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WGT added a Hybrid Wood to my bag!!!!

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Sat, Mar 11 2023 3:36 AM (4 replies)
  • thecorsican
    187 Posts
    Tue, Mar 7 2023 3:30 AM

    Does anyone know how to remove an optional club from my bag?  WGT in their wisdom have decided to rearrange my clubs and put a WGT Starter Hybrid wood in my bag, replacing one of my wedges.  

    I had three wedges in my bag, 100 yards, 75 yards and 50 yards.  Now I have only two and I have two 250 yard woods.

    Can't find an option to remove the Hybrid wood and put my third wedge back into my bag.

    Can anyone help please.

    I am tearing my hair out because I love my wedges.  


  • ScottHope
    10,234 Posts
    Tue, Mar 7 2023 4:33 AM

    Try this Brian.

    ⇩ EDIT : Cheers Brian. ⇩

  • Dad2147
    1,745 Posts
    Tue, Mar 7 2023 10:57 AM

    Or try this one. I'm not a professional at videos but this will get the job done!!

    Hope it helps


  • dhjam1
    577 Posts
    Tue, Mar 7 2023 12:33 PM


    Or try this one. I'm not a professional at videos but this will get the job done!!

    Hope it helps


    Very good video, great job .

  • thecorsican
    187 Posts
    Sat, Mar 11 2023 3:36 AM

    Thanks for all your help gentlemen. Worked successfully, got my third wedge back again.
