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Windowed Fullscreen Option

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Sat, Jan 7 2023 1:49 AM (5 replies)
  • ShawnC013
    10 Posts
    Fri, Jan 6 2023 3:59 PM

    I have two monitors and when I play and click on my second monitor the game minimizes.  I know this is the way windows wants it to funtion.  Is there a way to get a windowed fullscreen option in display settings that might stop this from happening?  When I use the windowed display it is very small and not an option I want to play on.



  • Yiannis1970
    3,340 Posts
    Fri, Jan 6 2023 4:26 PM

    Not sure i understand what is the problem...are you in extended mode and whenever you drag the game screen to the second monitor...minimizes?? What do you mean exactly?

    Set up the two monitors to have the exact same resolution and refresh rate. Then go in extended mode. Drag WGT window to the second monitor and decide how you wanna play (fullscreen, windowed, which resolution).

    309 Posts
    Fri, Jan 6 2023 4:28 PM

    look here, may help

    if not do a google search without quotes "full screen :site"

  • ShawnC013
    10 Posts
    Fri, Jan 6 2023 4:41 PM

    I have two monitors and I play WGT on the main monitor. I run discord and other things on  my second monitor and if I go to answer a message in discord once I click on the second monitor the game minimizes from my main screen.  I do have it set as extend display, but if my monitors are different sizes and ages so if I make them the same resolution my newer monitor doesn't look that good and is way below recommended resolution.


    The reason I don't want my game to minimize is so I can get a snip of my screen if I capturing a scorecard for a tournament or something that we have to post our cards.  I know I can use print screen to capture the card on that screen but I was hoping to just use snip tool instead so I can get just the card and not the whole screen.  I hope I have described it a bit clearer as to what I am hoping to be able to do


  • Yiannis1970
    3,340 Posts
    Sat, Jan 7 2023 1:47 AM

  • ScottHope
    10,619 Posts
    Sat, Jan 7 2023 1:49 AM

    Thanks Ken for posting that link.

    There is an improved version of that utility here.