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Question(s) about Putters

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Sun, Sep 25 2022 8:01 AM (11 replies)
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  • Chambord
    75 Posts
    Sat, Sep 24 2022 9:03 AM

    Hi Everyone,

    I'm confused about what certain characteristics mean regarding Putters: What exactly do "forgiveness", "precision" and "balance" mean? What's the difference between Precision & Forgiveness?

    Also, I would like to upgrade my putter [Odyssey Sabertooth (L59+)], but none of the ones currently available to me (Level 93) are better in all aspects. There seems to be a decent one at Level 94 which I am trying to wait for, but it could be a while before I get there.

    I swear I leave anywhere from 6-10 shots on the lip of the cup in most rounds. It's very frustrating. I'm sure it's user-error, but maybe a better putter could help?

    Thanks for all replies!

  • PureGro1
    1,656 Posts
    Sat, Sep 24 2022 9:31 AM

    I'm confused about what certain characteristics mean regarding Putters: What exactly do "forgiveness", "precision" and "balance" mean? What's the difference between Precision & Forgiveness?

    Join the club...I dont think there is a definitive answer to this.

    Also, I would like to upgrade my putter [Odyssey Sabertooth (L59+)], but none of the ones currently available to me (Level 93) are better in all aspects. There seems to be a decent one at Level 94 which I am trying to wait for, but it could be a while before I get there.

    Personally, I liked the putter you have a lot- I used it till level 98 and that would be my advice is keep what you have till 98

    I swear I leave anywhere from 6-10 shots on the lip of the cup in most rounds. It's very frustrating. I'm sure it's user-error, but maybe a better putter could help?

    Putting is definitely the hardest part of the game to master- Maybe work at leaving yourself better positioned (even a heartbeat shot can be positioned in a way that makes the putt nearly impossible) and hopefully get your average to the pin lower which will help your one putt %.

  • Chambord
    75 Posts
    Sat, Sep 24 2022 10:29 AM

    Thank you for the advice. I agree 100% that my approach shots could be much better. (Though even when I get it real close I often miss the birdie putt by inches.)

    I probably will just hold onto the putter I have for a while until I see something that is a significant upgrade.

    Thanks again!

  • SamSpayed
    4,923 Posts
    Sat, Sep 24 2022 10:42 AM

    I'm confused about what certain characteristics mean regarding Putters: What exactly do "forgiveness", "precision" and "balance" mean? What's the difference between Precision & Forgiveness?

    There is, actually, a definitive answer to this.  It's been discussed many, many times here in the Forums.

    I'll let you look up Precision and Forgiveness using the SEARCH box to the right.

    Balance is how much your putt's distance (not direction) can deviate.  This is what WGT had to say about it a long time ago.

    Hope this helps.

  • MarchieB
    1,527 Posts
    Sat, Sep 24 2022 11:01 AM

    If only there was a  Help/FAQ  page! ... oh, there is ... 😖

    WGT Help/FAQ

    None of the club terms are on this first page but if you read the blurb at the top there is a link to the Old Help Page (Flash) which does have the terms in the Pro Shop section (not Balance though)

    Balance is how much your putt's distance (not direction) can deviate.  This is what WGT had to say about it a long time ago.

    I was going to post the same info on Balance but seeing as you already did I'll just add that I interpreted itjust slightly different. 

    The way I read it is that the more Balance your putter has the more accurate it is both with distance and aim (forgiveness of off center hits) throughout the putters range "especially so on longer putts". Meaning that all the putters are going to be pretty accurate at shorter distances but as you get longer and longer putts the putters with less Balance will begin to become less accurate the further out you get. The ones with higher Balance will maintain their accuracy the further out the putts become.

  • Chambord
    75 Posts
    Sat, Sep 24 2022 11:31 AM

    I thank you.

  • Chambord
    75 Posts
    Sat, Sep 24 2022 11:32 AM


  • Duphpherer
    442 Posts
    Sat, Sep 24 2022 4:20 PM


    I swear I leave anywhere from 6-10 shots on the lip of the cup in most rounds. 

    This can be very telling. Ideally when you miss a putt, the ball should travel at least a foot or perhaps two feet past the hole. Speed is what keeps a putt on target. If you're putting for the ball to die at the hole, then that's asking for trouble. These greens can be very squirrelly and decent pace can keep the ball from wandering all over the place. 

    Personally, I don't leave 10 shots on the lip in a week... unless it lips out. lol  

    Great advice from those earlier posts! Good luck! 



  • Chambord
    75 Posts
    Sat, Sep 24 2022 6:20 PM

    Thank you, that's a great thought! I will have to experiment with that a little bit...

  • alosso
    21,044 Posts
    Sat, Sep 24 2022 10:55 PM

    I swear I leave anywhere from 6-10 shots on the lip of the cup in most rounds. It's very frustrating.
    From the safety of my tin foil hat, I dare to think that this may be by design of the game. Often enough, my short and mid-range putts stop an inch before the hole, even if I put a few extra feet worth of power into the shot. This started only a few years ago.

    I'm sure it's user-error, but maybe a better putter could help?
    I don't think so. You won't escape VEM (a patented feature included in this game).

    My two tin Pfennig!

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