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In-Game Chat Filter

Sat, Jun 10 2023 1:24 AM (27 replies)
  • SamSpayed
    5,043 Posts
    Sat, Feb 19 2022 10:14 PM

    There was a thread a couple months ago about the in-game chat filter.  That thread got deleted, most likely because it went off-topic.  I won't name the thread (although it still shows up in SEARCH results), but I think the topic is still worthy of discussion here in Product Suggestions.

    I would like to request that WGT review and update the in-game chat filter.  There are many words and phrases that are filtered now (***** is substituted) that should be perfectly fine to say in chat.  Some of the things I've seen filtered, that make no sense at all, include:

    lab work

    I understand (and agree with) the need for filtering out foul language in chat, but words and phrases such as those above should not be filtered.  

  • AlaskanDame
    19,718 Posts
    Sat, Feb 19 2022 10:27 PM


    I wrote today in ALT, when my partner’s putt barely missed: “That was headed in.”

    The censor changed it entirely to *******, making it look like I swore at my partner for missing. 

    Not a Good Thing. 



  • PureGro1
    1,656 Posts
    Sun, Feb 20 2022 7:04 AM


    I would like to request that WGT review and update the in-game chat filter.  There are many words and phrases that are filtered now (***** is substituted) that should be perfectly fine to say in chat.  Some of the things I've seen filtered, that make no sense at all, include:

    lab work

    I understand (and agree with) the need for filtering out foul language in chat, but words and phrases such as those above should not be filtered.  

    Also - anything in "quotation marks" gives an error.  That also should be fixed.


    Although I understand why the filter exists (legal not moral reasons) I cant really agree with it in the fact that someone who wants to get around a filter can easily do so, while those of us who are respectful pay the price by having innocuous words censored.

  • AlaskanDame
    19,718 Posts
    Sun, Feb 20 2022 4:09 PM

    Today, a guy in my ALT round couldn’t even say anything about his ball being in the brush or ask the best way to get out of brush.  “Ball” was okay, but “brush” was not.  He finally said bru$h so that we could understand.

    Yet, there is are Club names of something like Ballz Deep N Da Brush and Brush Whackers.

    Turning off chat is the answer to crudeness, not messing up communication.

    Cant the censor program for chat be at least the same as it is on this forum?

  • PureGro1
    1,656 Posts
    Mon, Feb 21 2022 6:39 AM

    Cant the censor program for chat be at least the same as it is on this forum?

    I dont think there is one here other than those that click to report a post or if a mod see's it. 

    The Chat Filter is using a "Blacklist", Most likely this list was bought from a 3rd party and is over zealous to say the least but not great quality as its easy to go around it by spacing or using certain characters. 

  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Mon, Feb 21 2022 7:00 AM

    yeah brush got me one time. 

    honestly the filter is a stupid thing. if someone says something inappropriate in your eyes then just block them and won't ever see anything in game from them again.

  • Robbo81303
    417 Posts
    Mon, Feb 21 2022 8:51 AM

    Congratulations WGT for managing to offend far more folks by trying to be inoffensive than you would have done had you done nothing.  Being 'woke' is nothing more than being idiotically short-sighted!

  • Dylgongeo
    2 Posts
    Wed, May 24 2023 7:13 PM

    Just found out today you cant say 60 YARDS!!!!! ..... like wtf u can say 60, you can say yards, but you put 60 and yards together = *********


  • pmm711
    5,765 Posts
    Thu, May 25 2023 9:55 AM


    Just found out today you cant say 60 YARDS!!!!! ..... like wtf u can say 60, you can say yards, but you put 60 and yards together = *********

    You can't write "Sorry for the delay I'm cooking breakfast" either.  It's ridiculous.