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Approach Program 1.2.2022.3 update

Wed, Feb 28 2024 8:32 PM (77 replies)
  • jimmiespencer
    254 Posts
    Fri, Dec 17 2021 4:04 AM

    This is a Windows only program. The file is a compress zip format, you will have to unzip to see the 3 files. Approach.exe the main program, MyClubs.mdb is my mapped clubs, and coursenames.txt which holds the course names. You can edit the coursenames.txt with windows notepad. Not perfect but nothing really is. 

    I wrote this program using ©Delphi programming language. 

    Download program here


    Have fun!

    How to change the stock club mappings to your own.



  • jimmiespencer
    254 Posts
    Fri, Dec 17 2021 10:20 PM


    A little information about this program I created.


    The putting form uses Babzilla33 calculations for distance and break. You can watch his video here.

    Thank You Babzilla33 for sharing this information and making your videos.

    You will have to change the mapped club database distances to your club information. 

    The program will allow you to save notes for each course and hole for later review.

    Hope the program helps a little.



  • ScottHope
    10,234 Posts
    Sat, Dec 18 2021 1:21 AM

    Nice work Jimmie, looking good!

  • jimmiespencer
    254 Posts
    Sat, Dec 18 2021 6:00 AM

    Thanks Scott.



  • Zzyzx01
    1,261 Posts
    Sat, Dec 18 2021 6:44 AM

    Just wanted to say that Jimmie has worked very hard to create this (and other) calculators and is constantly fine tuning them.  I highly recommend to give it a try and give him some constructive feedback. 

    Thanks, Jimmie for sharing with the WGT community.


  • jimmiespencer
    254 Posts
    Sat, Dec 18 2021 8:29 AM

    Thanks henry.

    Thanks for being my beta tester through these months of program and changes.

    I'm sure with new information there will be updates again.


  • jimmiespencer
    254 Posts
    Mon, Dec 20 2021 12:05 AM

    New Program Update. Fixed some grid controls. Changed the interface so that club selection will update as you key in your distance values. If you already have the program, and made changes to the database (MyClubs.mdb) save it to a different location so it doesn't get overwritten. After extracting the zip file, you can copy your MyClubs.mdb back to the directory  where Approach.exe is. If this is your first download then you don't need to worry about doing this.

    New users download the full zip program here



    Existing Program Users Download The Approach.exe Update Here.




  • jimmiespencer
    254 Posts
    Mon, Dec 20 2021 11:29 AM

    A YouTube video on how I use my Approach Program.


  • tramilleo
    1,874 Posts
    Mon, Dec 20 2021 6:23 PM

    If i had to do all this before i took my shot, i wouldnt have been playing this for 12 years now,  you doing way to much for a computer golf game that has built in variables lmao

  • jimmiespencer
    254 Posts
    Tue, Dec 21 2021 2:07 PM

    Lol I know right. It was a programming project to try. It wasn't about playing the game for me but to create something and watch it progress.