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The WGT King's Cup

Fri, Jan 13 2023 7:29 PM (95 replies)
  • mingos01
    3,599 Posts
    Wed, Apr 27 2022 1:30 AM

    7guy1pvh o

  • jerseyjake72
    370 Posts
    Fri, Apr 29 2022 6:00 AM

    This is a great tournament . I was just wondering how many people enter each week.? Does the leaderboard show all entrants or just the top 250?


  • mingos01
    3,599 Posts
    Tue, May 3 2022 1:15 AM

    E4hryaii o

  • mingos01
    3,599 Posts
    Tue, May 3 2022 1:24 AM


    This is a great tournament . I was just wondering how many people enter each week.? Does the leaderboard show all entrants or just the top 250?


    Leaderboard only shows the first 250, but if you put them in alphabetical order, the 250th reaches the letter z (player zmenges), so I guess it will be, some more, about 260 or so).

    Other data: since this year's WK1, 292 different players got earnings, all registered in my excel sheet. For example, MINGOS01 (me) is ranked 149th with 0.70 (lolol), and you are ranked: JERSEYJAKE72-86th with 2.09 earnings.'s my favorite tournament, always a challenge for me to get into the TOP 70... just i got  6 weeks :((  


  • mingos01
    3,599 Posts
    Mon, May 9 2022 6:24 AM

    F72jjgdg o

  • DufferJohn7
    3,581 Posts
    Wed, May 11 2022 12:05 PM


    Thank you for tracking this.  Labor of love I'm sure. 

    Is there a link to your spreadsheet?  My ego wants to see where I stand. I've managed a few top 70 finishes. 

    Have fun and hit em straight, 


  • mingos01
    3,599 Posts
    Thu, May 12 2022 9:16 AM

    Tks John

    Not a link...but    84th-DUFFERJOHN7 -EARNINGS 2,43

    There is 300 players that they have easrnings

    I ll try something tomorrow...tks



  • mingos01
    3,599 Posts
    Fri, May 13 2022 3:42 AM

    Here the link..i hope it is working well, because first time i do!AtcU0qBo2NUmin_Yoavtzu4cdUM_

    At the bottom there are two tabs, you can choose alphabetical and search for your name, there you can see the total of your earnings, then you go to the "EARNINGS LEAD" tab. and there, sorted by earnings, you look for what position you are in. I hope it works.

    Pvdsjnrl o

    i sent a message to WGTNico, today it is happening something  with Kinscup leaderboard...i hope they fix it ...soon



  • WGTNico
    726 Posts
    Fri, May 13 2022 8:43 AM

    Hey everyone,

    Yes there is an issue with the Kings Cup leaderboard, when you post your scores they are there, and have to scroll all the way to the bottom to see your scores. It is the worst bug with the new leaderboards and we already have a ticket submitted. You can play kings cup perfectly fine, and scores will be seen and submitted just an unfortunate visual bug.

    475 Posts
    Fri, May 13 2022 8:57 AM

    i couldn't agree more with Sir John of duffer ...... and without further ado, for all your super work in promoting the tournament named in my honour, i now knight you Sir Luis of mingos :p lol.

    Great stuff man