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Torrey Pines?

Tue, Oct 5 2021 7:00 AM (12 replies)
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  • gherkinhead1
    245 Posts
    Wed, Jun 30 2021 8:35 PM

    It's named "Torrey Pines"  but there are NO PINE TREES on the course.  


  • dhjam1
    577 Posts
    Thu, Jul 1 2021 8:06 AM


    It's named "Torrey Pines"  but there are NO PINE TREES on the course.  



    Torrey Pines State Natural Reserve

  • ScottHope
    10,234 Posts
    Thu, Jul 1 2021 9:30 AM

    Maybe Torrey was a someone and she had a yearning.  : )

  • wedge0837
    862 Posts
    Sun, Jul 4 2021 5:22 AM

    I cannot use Torrey Pines in a Custom Course. Is this going to be added to the mix? Whats the point of having a Course that you cannot use in a Custom? 


  • wedge0837
    862 Posts
    Tue, Jul 6 2021 8:21 AM

    Couple of threads here on Torrey and no word on if and when this will be added to include custom courses. 

    I guess the reason I play the Clash is to win a Course Builder and take advantage of making a few Courses, but with out Torrey Pines in the bag to add to a Course, this will be game over for all Clashes, TurfWars until they add Torrey Pines. 

    Again, we are forced to the backseat and made to play 'their' way and with 'our' dollar. Shame. 


  • wedge0837
    862 Posts
    Wed, Jul 7 2021 7:04 AM

    but with out Torrey Pines in the bag to add to a Course, this will be game over for all Clashes, TurfWars until they add Torrey Pines. 

    This quote was in reference to me and me only.

    I am the one who is giving up Clashes TurfWars if there is not the full slate of Courses to choose from. I don't care what other players do or don't do. 



  • wedge0837
    862 Posts
    Sat, Jul 10 2021 10:25 AM

    So the Virtual US Open is over. 

    Hoping that Torrey Pines gets added to the list of Courses available for Custom Hole use.

    When will you add the Torrey Pines course to the bag WGT? 

    Please and thanks in advance. 


  • jacktrade51
    11,079 Posts
    Wed, Jul 28 2021 8:59 PM


    It's named "Torrey Pines"  but there are NO PINE TREES on the course.  


    I just saw this post.

    I googled it back in June.  A Torrey pine is a tree that is unique to San Diego and Santa Barbara counties in California.  That is what the course is named after.

    Why bother since only 1 tree is on the course (and it is not in play) is over my pay grade, but I suspect some of them are in the crud off the fairway where we hope never to go.



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