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How Important is forgiveness of a putter?

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Thu, Apr 1 2021 8:58 AM (22 replies)
  • Markofteja
    251 Posts
    Wed, Mar 31 2021 6:08 AM

    So this is the comparison that I am making. What I have to decide is - how much of an upgrade is the Scotty L70 over the one I already have.

    The closely missed putts are turning my -6 into -3. I need to figure out if the L70 is a worthwhile upgrade coz I know I also need to upgrade the Driver. I mean it's taking me 3 hits to reach some of the par 4 greens.


  • BPeterson8256
    2,910 Posts
    Wed, Mar 31 2021 6:28 AM


    how much of an upgrade is the Scotty L70 over the one I already have.

    The closely missed putts are turning my -6 into -3.

    It is a significant upgrade.

    However, it will not make putts for you and any difference you notice will mostly be in your mind. It will not save you 3 strokes per round and it will not eliminate your extremely high rate of 3 putts. 

    You might want to take more time learning how to putt, especially eliminating 3 putts which is costing you almost two strokes per 18 holes, before you spend more $$$ on a putter,

    Focusing on hitting fairways and greens, getting the ball on the right part of the greens, and improving your putting technic will save you way more strokes than a new putter will. It is a lot to learn and you are still very new to the game. Good luck


  • Markofteja
    251 Posts
    Wed, Mar 31 2021 9:12 AM



    how much of an upgrade is the Scotty L70 over the one I already have.

    The closely missed putts are turning my -6 into -3.

    It is a significant upgrade.

    However, it will not make putts for you and any difference you notice will mostly be in your mind. It will not save you 3 strokes per round and it will not eliminate your extremely high rate of 3 putts. 

    You might want to take more time learning how to putt, especially eliminating 3 putts which is costing you almost two strokes per 18 holes, before you spend more $$ on a putter,

    Focusing on hitting fairways and greens, getting the ball on the right part of the greens, and improving your putting technic will save you way more strokes than a new putter will. It is a lot to learn and you are still very new to the game. Good luck


    I read your comment a few times and thought about it for five minutes. Yes, I am not reaching far down the course (off the drive), hence rarely am I in the zone where I get to use the wedges. 

    I mostly have to use the heavy irons or even the 3wood to reach the green. That usually lands me up in unfavourable parts of the green. So going by this logic I should be upgrading the driver and the irons. 

    As for the putter - I really feel like I have a hang of putting via the aiming points method coz most of my putts are still very close to the hole. Nonetheless I will take your advice into consideration and dive again into putting research/practice.  

  • BPeterson8256
    2,910 Posts
    Wed, Mar 31 2021 11:26 AM

    I thought of one more thing I would like to add.

    Here is a comparison between the putter I use and the one that I have to use when playing in the European eTour.

    As you can see, there is a very significant difference between the two, and in the big picture it does make a difference. 

    That said, when I play a round on the eTour, I do not notice any difference at all. It virtually does not effect my score. I have hit over 114,500 putts and it is still such a small difference that I do not notice.

    So part of my recommending that you wait to upgrade your putter is because you are close enough to level 98 that you might as well wait and get the very best.

    Also... When I say to work on your putting it is not meant as an insult. After my 114,500+ putts, I am still working on and improving my putting. My putting stats and ability are virtually improving every time I play. It takes time.

    You also mentioned, "rarely am I in the zone where I get to use the wedges". For myself, this is crucial to good scores and good putting. My biggest weakness is long irons, but those wedges are deadly accurate. So longer off the tee (in the fairway) should really help as long as you can keep it out of trouble.

    Once again... good luck.

  • BPeterson8256
    2,910 Posts
    Wed, Mar 31 2021 1:46 PM


      Also you may have already looked at the wide range of putters available to you .

    I am surprised more players don't notice the level 0 Max (Master+). It's is the exact same putter as the level 80 and cost 250 credits less. Additionally, the meter choices on it are fantastic. I think the meter actually makes it better than the level 80.

  • Markofteja
    251 Posts
    Thu, Apr 1 2021 5:38 AM


    So part of my recommending that you wait to upgrade your putter is because you are close enough to level 98 that you might as well wait and get the very best.

    Well as per my projection sheet, I will be level 98 on 5/21/2022 .


    Also... When I say to work on your putting it is not meant as an insult. After my 114,500+ putts, I am still working on and improving my putting. My putting stats and ability are virtually improving every time I play. It takes time.

    Not at all. On the contrary I am grateful that you are taking the time to write such replies. It's heartening. 


    You also mentioned, "rarely am I in the zone where I get to use the wedges". For myself, this is crucial to good scores and good putting. My biggest weakness is long irons, but those wedges are deadly accurate. So longer off the tee (in the fairway) should really help as long as you can keep it out of trouble.

    Once again... good luck.

    This is why I thought I need a longer driver too. Coz When hitting off the fairways, I am hitting long irons or the 3 wood.