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Timer expires in online matches, nothing happens

Sun, Oct 22 2023 5:35 PM (5 replies)
  • wilrik
    26 Posts
    Fri, Feb 12 2021 1:03 AM

    Dear all, 

    I quite often get the problem that whenever the other player is hitting, the timer expires and nothing happens. When I chat with the other player, he has already hit, but to him my timer has run out. Sometimes just waiting does the trick, and it says the connection was temporarily lost and it reconnects. however, I have also had cases where 15 minutes of waiting did nothing. This is especially annoying when you're in a showdown and will get all bogies. 

    I get this on both PC and mobile. It is not my internet, on my phone I get it on both WiFi and cellular, I live in a urban environment with good internet, in other games I play I never have connection issues. 

    Is this something people see more often? what can I do about it? 

  • SamSpayed
    4,927 Posts
    Fri, Feb 12 2021 3:10 PM

    There is nothing you can do about it.

    WGT servers are notorious for having terrible connection problems, especially in multiplayer games.  The app is designed to send shot information (including the player's club selection and relative aim point) to all players in the game every few seconds.  When it gets out of sync, you'll see the timer run to zero or you'll get a "Connection Lost" error or some other error.

    The problem is not on your end.  It's on WGT's side.  Unfortunately, they have never acknowledged this.  

  • misterrobinson
    76 Posts
    Mon, Jul 24 2023 9:00 AM

    I am in one of these games right now. Coin room game. My opponent is even through 2 holes and I am -2. On the 3rd hole, we are both in the fairway off the tee. His time ran to zero. He got a time out warning. Then his timer went to zero again. Now the game has just been sitting there with his timer at zero for 10 minutes. If I back out of the game, I will forfeit. I have seen this happen many times and it seems to me that some players know some secret to ending a game without losing coins in a coin room. I have never seen this happen when my opponent was leading the match. Very fishy.

  • streamliner69
    110 Posts
    Thu, Aug 10 2023 12:51 PM

    This just happened to me again also. I totally agree it has to be the losing opponent doing it.

    If there is nothing wgt can do about it, they should know it is happening and reimburse coins. How weary I am getting losing coins for this reason. If more of us start speaking up about it maybe wgt will take it seriously. Totally fishy yes! Aggravating is more like it when it happens as often as it has to me.


  • JerbAce
    1 Posts
    Sat, Oct 21 2023 12:29 AM
    Closing out the app and rejoining fixed it for me.
  • Duphpherer
    443 Posts
    Sun, Oct 22 2023 5:35 PM

    If you feel your opponent has closed his side, then it's important for your to re-enter and start the countdown. If you wait too long, you'll see something like, "this game does not exist" or some other bad news.  I play on the PC and if the game hangs, then I will start the game on my phone and as soon as it connects, I close the phone, but it jumpstarts the count down hopefully one last time. It's all hit or miss.

    WGT has flaws and this ability for someone to control the outcome of the match is a very big flaw.