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Screen Size Suggestion

Mon, Nov 18 2019 6:57 AM (24 replies)
  • BogeyOne
    1,987 Posts
    Sun, Nov 3 2019 1:20 PM


  • ScottHope
    10,362 Posts
    Sun, Nov 17 2019 8:06 AM

    Still plugging away at my custom size app for the unity game, here's an early look at the GUI (graphical user interface) as it currently is.
    The width and height inputs are, as you would imagine, for the game screen size. And the horizontal and vertical inputs are the coordinates for where you want the game screen to be. The numbers next to those input labels are the value ranges for those inputs and they relate to the height and width of your screen.

    The main reason for this post though was to ask about the PPI (pixels per inch) you have on your current set up. The PPI value affects the way my GUI looks and I would like to make sure that it looks best for the most popular PPI size.

    You can find your PPI (on a Windows machine) by right clicking on your desktop and selecting 'Screen Resolution' from the context menu...

    ...then in the Screen Resolution dialogue, click on 'Make text and other items...' to bring up the Display Settings... the Display Settings, click on 'Set Custom Text Size (DPI)' in the left pane to open the 'Custom PPI Settings' dialogue... the 'Custom DPI (PPI) Settings' dialogue you will see your current PPI. Mine is at 115 as shown below, and will no doubt go up as I grow older!

    Thanks for any and all responses guys and gals.  ; ) 

  • kabb7
    3 Posts
    Sun, Nov 17 2019 9:37 AM

    thanks for the great info. wonder if u could help me. I have a new desk top with windows 10 in s mode. I cannot get wgt launcher to work without doing away with the s mode. do I get rid of s mode which seems to be only for Microsoft apps. any thoughts? thank u   

  • ScottHope
    10,362 Posts
    Sun, Nov 17 2019 3:01 PM

    I would ditch S mode Mr Kabb, bloody Microsoft and their security features get on my dingleberries.

    Set yourself free and bin the S mode!  ; )

    It doesn't look as though there is a DPI/PPI figure available in Windows 10, so you can post your scale setting if you're at all interested.

    Windows 10 > Settings > System > Display > Advanced Scaling Settings (%)

    Thank you.

  • kabb7
    3 Posts
    Mon, Nov 18 2019 6:57 AM

    thank u scott. I was leaning towards that decision. play well