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Sun, Jan 14 2024 10:51 AM (2,013 replies)
  • TerryN1013
    109 Posts
    Fri, Apr 17 2020 10:09 AM

    Received a message: New player has joined your club.  Be sure to welcome them."  How do I do that?  Where do I find their email?

  • alosso
    21,077 Posts
    Fri, Apr 17 2020 11:05 AM

    WGT won't tell you their e-mail.

    You may post a message to the wall on their profile page. Or invite them to become a friend and send a PM.

  • pmm711
    5,718 Posts
    Fri, Apr 17 2020 11:10 AM


    Received a message: New player has joined your club.  Be sure to welcome them."  How do I do that?  Where do I find their email?

    every CC has a private forum where you can make a welcoming post.


  • BigDaddyGee
    166 Posts
    Fri, Apr 17 2020 3:59 PM

    To whom it may concern,

         !) With the current clash going on right now, How is it possible, that with 8 hours left in the clash that the C.C Asylum is 9 - 3 and our C.C....Seeing it 6-3,,,and we have NOT missed a clash ! We also have played them back to back....which I really don't understand, with all the C.C.'s that play in the clash's. At 4 hours per clash, there is absolutely no way mathematically that they have 12 rounds in, with 8 hours left to play.

         2) The repeat of Erin Hills 3 times for 3 different clash's, back to back to back, I don't understand. I love the course, and it is my hometown course, but ya have me scratching my head. We should never see the same course in a clash with all the courses we have to choose from. Here is a suggestion..... 1st clash - Front 9 of Erin Hills....2nd clash....back 9 of Erin Hills. 3rd clash - Front 9 of Congressional.....4th clash - back 9 of on and so forth. Or run the front 9 for the hole clash, then 2 weeks later, run the back 9 for the hole clash.




  • Wutpa
    4,803 Posts
    Sun, Apr 19 2020 11:07 PM



    Received a message: New player has joined your club.  Be sure to welcome them."  How do I do that?  Where do I find their email?

      If you message their wall . That will show up in their email

    The option to receive email notifications when someone posts on a player's wall has to be selected in their account profile first, or they won't find out that way.

  • dtbrown757
    4 Posts
    Wed, May 6 2020 8:26 AM

    If I see another Jordan Spieth commercial I am going to smash my computer. With his head and shoulders moving all over the place. Such a terrible uncontrolled swing. I hate watching it. Does he still have a PGA card? Man he needs some lessons.