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The 500 Yard Drive Club

Mon, Jan 17 2022 9:25 PM (24 replies)
  • TopShelf2010
    10,891 Posts
    Wed, Jun 26 2019 3:25 PM

    Wonder how many views this post will get? LOL

    Actually, it is only a matter of time so I figured why not reserve a thread just in case. Maybe WGT ( or some of our secret Santa's ) can sweeten the pot a little and offer a reward to those who can pull off this remarkable feat. 

    Let's say 450 to 500?


    Good luck everyone



  • greg466
    2,120 Posts
    Wed, Jun 26 2019 3:29 PM
    That would be an awesome DRIVE....... Great Idea Don.. GREG
  • adaputter
    1,954 Posts
    Wed, Jun 26 2019 3:33 PM


    Wonder how many views this post will get? LOL

    Actually, it is only a matter of time so I figured why not reserve a thread just in case. Maybe WGT ( or some of our secret Santa's ) can sweeten the pot a little and offer a reward to those who can pull off this remarkable feat. 

    Let's say 450 to 500?


    Good luck everyone



    i had my longest drive on oakmont a few years ago 419 yrds

    not many courses  have a roll from tee like that but good luck  

  • adaputter
    1,954 Posts
    Wed, Jun 26 2019 3:33 PM


    Wonder how many views this post will get? LOL

    Actually, it is only a matter of time so I figured why not reserve a thread just in case. Maybe WGT ( or some of our secret Santa's ) can sweeten the pot a little and offer a reward to those who can pull off this remarkable feat. 

    Let's say 450 to 500?


    Good luck everyone



    i had my longest drive on oakmont a few years ago 419 yrds

    not many courses  have a roll from tee like that but good luck  

  • 1secretsanta
    80 Posts
    Wed, Jun 26 2019 3:53 PM

    I will offer a sleeve of balls to the first player to hit a 500 yard drive , And if you hole the shot I will double the offer and make it two sleeve,s .


  • SlickHunter
    1,034 Posts
    Wed, Jun 26 2019 4:12 PM

    It’s possible on Wolf Creek on a stiff downhill, and around 25mph tailwind.

  • Stobsbee
    4,784 Posts
    Thu, Jun 27 2019 1:49 AM

    Let's say 450 to 500?

    I had a 455 yarder off the rock at Wolfie's 17th a few days ago with the Lvl96 Bertha and a lvl33 Cally. I'm sure someone can go further with the new driver and a high level ball -


  • ostfriedel
    2,051 Posts
    Thu, Jun 27 2019 3:10 AM

    My longest drive was 468 yards on Cabo by accident, did hit the ball way early.

  • TopShelf2010
    10,891 Posts
    Thu, Jun 27 2019 5:00 AM


  • jacktrade51
    11,079 Posts
    Sat, Jul 6 2019 10:01 PM

    Not to ask a stupid question, but does it have to be longest on fairway or green, or is it just yardage,

    My longest to date is 410 yards on RSG, so not competing with above, but I went over the green and ended up in rough,  Would that count?

    With my level 103 driver, right hole & wind, I might be able to do 450-500 on a couple of holes on Wolf.  But whether I would try depend on the reward, since I might hate result.