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Versa 96

Sat, Jun 8 2019 10:07 PM (11 replies)
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  • K7JBQ
    1,468 Posts
    Sat, Jun 8 2019 9:05 PM

    The level 70 Versa is a great putter, and I used it for a long time. 

    The Sabertooth is just slightly better, in that it holds the line better on long putts and yes, you can off ding it (within a limited range), but I agree the l70 is the better off ding putter.

    I still have mine, in my collection of great clubs that are no longer available.


    I’ve tried numerous putters over the last ten years but nothing has been as satisfyingly on message as the L70 Versa which I’ve had for a long time.


  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,527 Posts
    Sat, Jun 8 2019 10:07 PM


    The level 70 Versa is a great putter, and I used it for a long time. 

    The Sabertooth is just slightly better, in that it holds the line better on long putts and yes, you can off ding it (within a limited range), but I agree the l70 is the better off ding putter.

    I still have mine, in my collection of great clubs that are no longer available.


    The Versa L70 is the only club I bought twice in my WGT career. At first when I was in Tour Master tier I believe, I didn't like it much so I hastily sold it back. (A big lesson learned... Give yourself enough time to get used to it. You can sell it anytime later if you really have to.) Then once entered Legend tier, I repurchased it, finally recognized its true value and used it for a very long time.

    It's funny and somewhat ironical that I was able to putt better with Versa 70 than Versa 96. It was probably due to the fact that L70 had better balance than L96 though I'm not 100% sure of it... Anyway, I still have L70 but sold L96 so it kinda explains my preference.

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