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Putting Tip: Distance Control

Mon, Jan 2 2023 5:14 PM (1,173 replies)
  • chinatownbob
    1 Posts
    Fri, Jan 27 2012 5:20 AM

    unrealistic putting , the last couple of days i've had numerous putts of about 6-8ft with a 2" downhill slope, so i have hit the ball what i believe to be the right distance .ie using a 25ft putter about one third of the way along the slide bar and it goes shooting past by about 6ft the hell does that make any sense ...

  • rlsdsurfer
    23 Posts
    Fri, Jan 27 2012 5:45 AM

    WQT's way of encouraging you to by a new putter!

  • rlpparker
    68 Posts
    Fri, Jan 27 2012 9:00 AM

    TO CHINATOWNBOB,,, make a card about 2inches wide with 1 to 30 ft or 1 to 25ft ,,,,, depending what scale you have,, mark half way 30ft scale is 15ft put a line half of 15 to 30ft is 22.5ft, half of 1to 15ft is 7.5ft and so on ad put it under your scale , i fold my to fit under mine,, i have a lab top  workes for me ,,, haif of 7.5 is3.75ft half of 22to30 is25.75ft,, half of 15 to  22.5ft isaround 19ftand  you get  the  picture , chinatownbob,,  just a thought ,, just a thought,,[hally berry]  ,,,  i use paper folder or kids cratepaper for my little paper ,,,6to 8inches long ,,, if not e-mail me bob,, rlpparker

  • rlsdsurfer
    23 Posts
    Fri, Jan 27 2012 11:50 AM

    make a cheat card yea that's the answer....

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, Jan 27 2012 1:43 PM


    make a cheat card yea that's the answer....

    Yes, it is in this case. Or you can buy one in the Pro Shop called PutterPal. Try it-you might get out of the Tour Pro tier. By the looks of your putting you could use one.


    @China-Rip has a good idea there or, like I mentioned above, you can get a really easy to use helper from the Pro Shop. The idea is to give yourself something to make the estimating easier. Also, there are 7 different speeds you will see so make sure you know which one you're on. Your example sounded like you thought you were on one speed and it was actually another.  GL


  • rlpparker
    68 Posts
    Fri, Jan 27 2012 2:26 PM

    hey, surfer dude you thank the guys winning aren't using cheating cards,or  something, give me a break, why pay for a putter pal when i beat them to it ,,, ha, ha ha,, hitting them straight and in the cup,,.   just a thought, just a thought [hally  berry ]

  • rlpparker
    68 Posts
    Fri, Jan 27 2012 2:28 PM

    i;m for you yankee jim ,, a truE  " GENTLEMAN"

  • gil1957
    501 Posts
    Fri, Jan 27 2012 3:29 PM

    very very intresting and helpful !!!  thank you !!!

  • rlsdsurfer
    23 Posts
    Fri, Jan 27 2012 4:05 PM

    ur a jerk Jim, my putting may be considered poor to you but it is honest and above average again ur a jerk....and a cheat. Learn to use ur natural abilities if you have any.

  • bittydog
    623 Posts
    Fri, Jan 27 2012 4:40 PM


    ur a jerk Jim, my putting may be considered poor to you but it is honest and above average again ur a jerk....and a cheat. Learn to use ur natural abilities if you have any.

    Just how is using a meter card cheating?? You still have to aim, set the distance, and figure out the break. So I don't get your reply. I don't use a card but have done the math and know how much power each movement of the putter head is. Is that cheating to you also?? It's just the same as a card but without the paper overlay. I'm not defending Jim here as I know he is more than capable of defending himself, But I just found your reply to be out of line and rude.