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Tiger Woods haters just had it forcefully and permanently stuck in their craw

Tue, Apr 16 2019 12:44 PM (77 replies)
  • Ducati916
    1,116 Posts
    Mon, Apr 15 2019 11:49 AM



    America's cup....USA down 8-1 in a best of 17...won

    ALCS 2004..Red Sox down 3 games to 0...won

    Patriots down 28-3 vs the Falcons in the SuperBowl...won

    there are dozens of others that outrank this.

    this tournament is milleniums away from being the greatest comeback in sports...

    See my post above. Respectfully, you're missing the point.


    also respectfully, this is being thrown around as the greates combeack in sports history....the guy nailed porn stars, cheated on his wife, took a 3 iron to the Escalade, got pulled over for "prescription drugs or whatever" and had back surgeries....Rocky Balboa got his nose broken in a fight, had his wife near death and still won.

    anyway...debatable issues always make for good conversation

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Mon, Apr 15 2019 12:08 PM



    Tiger is older and wiser...humbler maybe, since his days as a golfing machine. I think he will savor this win over all the others simply because of his current perspective and all he has been through.

    Good story all around.



    I agrre with that too.

    If it's the greatest sports comeback I find impossible, and maybe a bit daft, to judge.  For instance how does it compare to Monica Seles coming back to win the Australian Open or Nikki Lauda even getting back in a racing car never mind two more world titles?. 

    That said It is a great comeback.

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,705 Posts
    Mon, Apr 15 2019 1:15 PM




    wasn't Faldo down by 6 shots in the final round when he beat Norman....Baldrick was down...what 3? at the max....

    Faldo didn’t make a great comeback as much as Norman choked.

    final day 67.....not bad


    Often the man and his achievements are underestimated because of his character and playing style.

    I picked up a golf club for the first time after watching his final round in the Open 1987 where he scored 18 consecutive pars against Paul Azinger. It was (and still is) one of the most spectacular sports moments I've ever witnessed!

  • robgt90
    21 Posts
    Mon, Apr 15 2019 3:18 PM

    I posed the question to what type of response would be received, and pretty much figured out I would receive the reply sent. I didn't even watch The Master's at all this year, and have rarely watched that many in the past few years, let alone regular tournaments, on all of the tours and, I contribute that to the announcers, that are always, Woods this, and Woods that, even when there's no need to mention his name. While he was out, that's all you heard, and yet somehow, the tour survived, and actually, thrived due to the fact that, the spotlight shone on different players, and not one individual. The tour was here before him, and the tour will continue on afterwards. I hope all of the media darlings are happy today, and let's go ahead and give him all of the major trophies now, and shut down the tour, because all your most likely to hear is, can he win them all this year. Save people like myself the headache, and put the aforementioned in to action.

  • kavvz
    2,195 Posts
    Mon, Apr 15 2019 9:03 PM

    @robgt90, obviously you're not a fan of golf and that makes me wonder why you're bothering to comment about golf on a golf site.

    FWIW, when Jack was in his prime and the best, the spotlight was on him.  Guess what?  The spotlight is on Tiger because it's a great comeback story and he's won the Tour Championship and the Master's (2 of the most prestigious & hardest tournaments to win on tour [I wanted clarify that because you don't like golf so thought you wouldn't know]) along the way.

    Additionally, I saw a plethora of shots from other players.  If you had watched you would have seen them too.

    He's earned his name among the game's greatest players EVER.  Not just in his time, we're talking ever here.  

    But don't listen to us..perhaps just listen to Jack who took the time from vacation to comment on Tiger's win.  I mean what would Jack know.

  • craigswan
    32,240 Posts
    Tue, Apr 16 2019 12:17 AM

    I remember when tiger was young and winning everything the british open was played just outside edinburgh [ muirfield ] .

    I was in california that year and got to know the local barman quite well .

    He christened me scotty .

    That day the wind blew a gale and the rain came down horizontal .

    The tv camera's followed tiger's every shot .

    The same thing happened on most holes .

    The drive into the rough , the iron into a bunker , the chip out into another bunker and nobody could sink a putt .

    Tiger , along with the whole field was around 10 over par .

    I walked into the bar and he shouted at me . Hey scotty - is that what you call a summer over there .

  • Robert1893
    7,731 Posts
    Tue, Apr 16 2019 10:09 AM


    @robgt90, obviously you're not a fan of golf and that makes me wonder why you're bothering to comment about golf on a golf site.

    FWIW, when Jack was in his prime and the best, the spotlight was on him.  Guess what?  The spotlight is on Tiger because it's a great comeback story and he's won the Tour Championship and the Master's (2 of the most prestigious & hardest tournaments to win on tour [I wanted clarify that because you don't like golf so thought you wouldn't know]) along the way.

    Additionally, I saw a plethora of shots from other players.  If you had watched you would have seen them too.

    He's earned his name among the game's greatest players EVER.  Not just in his time, we're talking ever here.  

    But don't listen to us..perhaps just listen to Jack who took the time from vacation to comment on Tiger's win.  I mean what would Jack know. 

    Well said.

  • craigswan
    32,240 Posts
    Tue, Apr 16 2019 12:44 PM

    People don't alter history any more than birds alter the sky, they just make brief patterns in it.

    The big picture...

    But on a personal level, people surely alter history. Positively and also negatively, both their own lives and the lives of others. No matter how brief our time here is. There’s always someone with the power of helping our existence, or turning it into pain..

    *of course* people change the world - change history - they leave lasting impressions - HE IS PROOF .