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Daily Motivation

Fri, May 3 2024 8:40 AM (1,967 replies)
  • Ladychipper
    22,706 Posts
    Fri, Sep 30 2022 8:52 AM

    Friday, September 30, 2022

    Your life has value

    Whatever mistakes you’ve made, whatever difficulties you face, one particular truth is undeniable. Your life has value.

    It’s not easy to express that value, or even to know all the details about what it is. Nonetheless, it is there, and on some level you have always known that.

    You are part of a larger whole, yet you are also unique, precious, irreplaceable. Your presence, your thoughts, your actions have the potential to contribute greatly to the quality and integrity of life.

    Even when no one seems to care, you can care. You can give voice to truth, you can put forth effort to make a difference.

    Your life has value, but that does not give you license to live recklessly. On the contrary, it challenges you to be responsible, to take seriously the unique potential that exists in you and in all you can do.

    Wherever you may find yourself, however you may feel, your life has value. What small thing can you do right now to let it come forth?


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,706 Posts
    Sat, Oct 1 2022 10:46 AM

    Saturday, October 1, 2022

    Authentic life

    Don’t spend your day convincing other people how much you care. Spend your day putting your care into action.

    Stop exerting your energy to prove how much you know. Continually invest your energy in learning something new.

    Operate on the level of reality, not at a pretentious distance from it. Rather than obsessively seeking to appear a certain way, do what is necessary to actually be that way.

    An authentic life is far more satisfying for you, as well as more helpful to others, than living behind a facade. A life of authenticity puts the power of truth into everything you do.

    It is better to have truth leading you than to have truth chasing you. Work to put real substance in your life rather than fraudulent and fragile appearances.

    Align your awareness and your choices with what is real, with what is true, with what is you. Live with the authenticity that will free you to experience life at its best.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,706 Posts
    Mon, Oct 3 2022 8:53 AM

    Monday, October 3, 2022

    Eager to join the struggle

    Wake up eager to join the struggle. Step forward and engage with the challenges of life.

    You have needs, desires, goals, dreams, and responsibilities. But to have them all provided for with no effort on your part will reduce you to nothing.

    Your life is worth what you are willing to pay for it. Every moment you have the opportunity to make it more valuable.

    Yes, you have many blessings and advantages you didn’t have to work for, including life itself. And you’re burdened with numerous difficulties that are not your fault.

    But it will serve no useful purpose to claim any sort of special privilege or victim status. Your best path forward is to go to work with what you have and create meaningful new value for yourself and your world.

    What is the most compelling challenge you are able to address in the moment? Invest yourself in that, and enable all of life to reap the rich rewards of your doing so.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,706 Posts
    Tue, Oct 4 2022 8:12 AM

    Tuesday, October 4, 2022

    Feel the power

    Feel the power of your own discipline. Experience the benefits of your own intentions.

    Set a specific, measurable, achievable goal. Then do the necessary work to make it happen.

    It is within your reach. It is something over which you have control.

    It seems like a simple, obvious thing, and it absolutely is. But that’s no reason to ignore its value, or to avoid doing it.

    Set a goal, achieve it, and decide for yourself whether the whole undertaking makes your life better or worse. Then, based on the experience, consider your priorities going forward.

    You have significant influence over many facets of your life and your future. Remind yourself to make good use of that influence.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,706 Posts
    Thu, Oct 6 2022 8:12 AM

    Thursday, October 6, 2022

    Compelling purpose

    Do you wish to have more energy? Then focus on a more compelling purpose.

    Do you feel like you should be getting more done? Then give yourself a more enticing reason to do it.

    Step for a moment outside your own frame of reference. Look objectively at the opportunity you have right here, right now, as the person you are.

    Think of what matters to you, and then consider all you could do if you would just do it. Imagine the difference you can make if you will just make it.

    Of course, there are all sorts of distractions, complications, challenges, and burdens. Yet you are fully capable of focusing on a purpose that will transcend them all.

    Give yourself permission to see that purpose. And give yourself the push, day after day, to follow it with all you have.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,706 Posts
    Fri, Oct 7 2022 9:11 AM

    Friday, October 7, 2022

    Prioritize your possibilities

    Life has more possibilities than you can ever realize. It’s in your best interest to let some of them go.

    Don’t get to the point where you’re so consumed with hoarding possibilities that you have no time to work on them. Prioritize your possibilities so you can actually fulfill some of them.

    It’s great to have the options that all life’s possibilities offer. Yet for options to have any value, you have to exercise some and discard others.

    Walking away from any of your treasured possibilities can be painful. Understand, though, that pain is a small price to pay for being able to fulfill other, more meaningful possibilities.

    Do you really want to spend all your time protecting, maintaining, and keeping track of way too many possibilities? Or would you prefer to spend your time and effort bringing a select number of those possibilities to life?

    Pick some possibilities to keep and to work on, and set aside the rest. Give yourself the freedom and the ability to make the best possibilities happen.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,706 Posts
    Sat, Oct 8 2022 9:00 AM

    Saturday, October 8, 2022

    Set your mind to it

    Set your mind to it. Keep it set there until you have it done.

    Focus your awareness on the job at hand. Re-direct the energy of all distractions, interruptions, and random thoughts toward what you have chosen to accomplish.

    There are plenty of excuses for stopping, or pausing, or giving up. Decide in advance to have nothing to do with those excuses.

    You have made your choice and now you can follow through with that choice. You are doing important work and you have every ability and intention of continuing until the work is done well.

    There’s no need to be concerned with whether it’s easy or difficult or pleasant or uncomfortable. You’re doing just fine, and you can continue for as long as necessary.

    Set your mind to it, and get it done. Experience for yourself what an amazing and useful difference you can make, just by deciding to do so.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,706 Posts
    Tue, Oct 11 2022 10:08 AM

    Tuesday, October 11, 2022

    Triumph over fear

    At the root of fear is the knowing that life has value. If you had nothing to lose, such as your existence, the people you love, your resources and abilities, there would be nothing to fear.

    Love makes fear possible. Thus with love you can triumph over fear.

    When you have much to fear it is because you have much to live for. And it is precisely in purposeful living that you exert the power of love to successfully navigate through fear.

    Fear can be acutely informative. Love enables you to make purposeful, beneficial, strategic use of that information.

    When you feel fear you are also feeling the power and the potential of love. Make it your choice to put that power to good use.

    Acknowledge the fear, gain insight and take energy from it. Then focus that energy, along with your attention and your actions, on all the meaningful and generous living you can do.

    — Ralph Marston


  • Ladychipper
    22,706 Posts
    Wed, Oct 12 2022 8:17 AM

    Wednesday, October 12, 2022

    Good work

    You’ve been doing good work. Keep it up, and add to it.

    You’ve been making a difference, and life has benefited from your efforts. Continue those efforts, and discover how you can make them even more effective.

    Does it sometimes feel like your efforts don’t matter? What you do matters to the extent you choose to make it matter, and that’s a choice you have in every moment.

    Often the encouragement from others is absent, and sometimes the world sends you a flood of negativity, even downright hostility. Make note of the feedback, perhaps inserting some reasonable adjustments, and move forward with what you know is good and right and worthwhile.

    You’ve made some mistakes in the past and you’re likely to make a few more as time goes by. Yet from every mistake you can learn, you can improve, and you can carry on.

    You’ve learned much about what succeeds and what doesn’t, what’s effective and what’s a waste, what adds richness and fulfillment to life. Take a deep, peaceful breath, be thankful for how far you’ve come, and keep up the good work.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,706 Posts
    Thu, Oct 13 2022 9:19 AM

    Thursday, October 13, 2022

    Choose encouragement

    Discouragement does not come from what happens. Discouragement comes from the way you choose to see what happens.

    It’s very helpful when people offer you their sincere encouragement. Yet you can decide to find encouragement in whatever other people say or do whether they seek to encourage you or not.

    Are you going to be discouraged or encouraged by the events of this particular day? That depends on you.

    You’ll be more effective, you’ll get more done when you’re encouraged about what you’re doing. So it makes sense to choose encouragement, even when it’s coming only from you.

    Have you ever encouraged someone else, and witnessed that person benefitting from the encouragement? Always keep in mind that you can do the same for yourself.

    Be thankful and accepting of encouragement from others. And be ready to choose encouragement for yourself whenever you’re looking to have a little more.


    — Ralph Marston