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looking to quit current country club

Sat, Sep 8 2018 6:33 AM (41 replies)
  • HackWilson1930
    1,437 Posts
    Wed, Aug 15 2018 11:58 AM

    Nancy  may not toot her own horn and she might exploit an XP error, but what she has done of her own volition is quite remarkable. I doubt that she will get to level 201 (at least not in my WGT lifetime) but she is not slowing down.

    In the middle of February she had contributed over 37,000,000 XP's to The Georgian. Six months later that number has increased to over 63,000,000. That is a growth  of 70% !

    I am willing to bet that there is not a single country club that would not offer Nancy membership if she were a free agent. She is the Tom Brady / Peyton Manning / Wayne Gretzky / Cy Young  of XP production. 

    She has H of F numbers!

  • pjctas0822
    4,583 Posts
    Wed, Aug 15 2018 4:02 PM

    Id like to know when she eats and cleans ... ?? 

  • Nancy1959
    7,161 Posts
    Wed, Aug 15 2018 7:51 PM


    Id like to know when she eats and cleans ... ?? 

    I do plenty of both, for what it's worth....

  • pjctas0822
    4,583 Posts
    Wed, Aug 15 2018 8:14 PM



    Id like to know when she eats and cleans ... ?? 

    I do plenty of both, for what it's worth....

    I was just funning in this thread sorry.

  • oneeyedjohn
    9,569 Posts
    Mon, Sep 3 2018 11:43 PM


    Levels, which are important to me John. This club is not quite 1 year old and I want what comes with the levels.

    I'm pushing toward the custom courses for each month along with more Superpasses.

    As I understand things, there are no more benefits to be gained for a club after level 16. U are already level 18.

    Why do u want more superpasses which can only be used in clashes to win more stupid flags and tee markers, oh, and more passes.

    I think hamsters have more fun on their wheel.

  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Tue, Sep 4 2018 7:22 AM

    As I understand things, there are no more benefits to be gained for a club after level 16.

    you would have the wrong understanding.

    17 club tournament max goes from 20 to 25. Officer limit goes from 6 to 7.

    18 Your personal  xp bonus goes from 5% to 7%

    19 no changes

    20 your personal xp bonus goes from 7% to 10%  officer limit goes from 7 to 8. 

  • craigswan
    31,287 Posts
    Tue, Sep 4 2018 1:09 PM

    Click here to play this video

    Why we all play .

  • pjctas0822
    4,583 Posts
    Tue, Sep 4 2018 2:42 PM

    VEM at its best

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Tue, Sep 4 2018 6:58 PM

    According to this we get 5 Course builders at L-19. Did that change?

  • AlaskanDame
    19,274 Posts
    Tue, Sep 4 2018 8:51 PM


    According to this we get 5 Course builders at L-19. Did that change?

    Been changed for awhile now, about a year.  I remember we at FAPC put a push on to get from Level 18 to Level 19 last fall, and we have been enjoying the course builders every month since then.
