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*No Clash This Week*

Thu, Apr 16 2020 6:16 AM (116 replies)
  • el3n1
    4,495 Posts
    Wed, Mar 7 2018 2:41 PM

    After 5 years I would hope you had a few good rounds...the underlying point I believe Lucky may have been making is your critical behavior and comments reflect more on you and your actions which says more about you as a person than your "virtual golfing" ability or lack thereof. 

    Sometimes just having tack and etiquette and not acting like a troll goes a lot further.  There are countless people who find more tact in encouraging a player to develop skills rather than criticism alone.  A true champion are the ones that offer help or insight into game improvement which your critical statements suggest I am in need of.  Yet like a troll you only criticize offering nothing to improve or help those in your community.  That isn't healthy or desired by others.  

    That said, after 5 years if you are such a great golfer why haven't you been promoted to champion yet?  Unless you are sandbagging your way to compete against Tour Legends rather than players of equivalent ability, it is hard to imagine what is taking you so long...  

  • el3n1
    4,495 Posts
    Wed, Mar 7 2018 3:02 PM

    My point was that those with more skill than your good-self, Don't find the meter / clubs " so inconsistent "...and in fact can score pretty well with them.

    if there is anything I have learned over the past year, the game, WGT, or the software, does and will do random things that make no sense or even completely exaggerate shots that are in no way reflective of what a realistic outcome should be.  But these may only amount to less than 1% of the shots we hit, because by and far the vast majority of shots play as expected.  

    But, I have even lost balls on shots that I executed exactly the way I wanted and for whatever reason, WGT decided to now declare that shot a lost ball when I have hit the same shot before and never lost a ball.  specifically taking the line "seemingly through the trees" on Olympic which has worked every other time, but then WGT decides that shot is OOB now and lost ball.  So I go to the desktop to see if something has changed and no, the shot still works and is still playable as I attempted it.  BS stuff happens even with dinged shots.  

    I have also played shots where you can intentionally misding into 30mph cross winds to help offset the wind and still hold the fairway or greens.  Then you execute that shot the same way and now all of a sudden your ball doesn't move an inch drives through the 30mph wind as if there were no wind whatsoever and we are talking heavy winds. 

    Crazy stuff happens that doesn't make sense when I have played those shots before and they do work.  It is more a matter of what the software decides to do with that shot on that particular occasion.  In this instance it could also be something that is altering play across the two different platforms because I have played on both desktop and mobile platforms.

    I have also scored quite well at times even with SOTW clubs, but I still come across random stuff happening that doesn't make sense.  We can not know for certain but speculate if it is a variance in the club, a form of VEM altering game play, or a random glitch or bug, that shows up.  That said, I can explain it most of the time especially when I know it is my fault, but it is those instances where there is odd result or an "exaggerated" outcome that doesn't follow typical results for hitting a particular shot. And, I have heard and watched others experience the same thing.  

    Again, it doesn't have to happen all the time but when it does happen it nearly always results in a lost ball which makes it a bit more problematic.  Do you think that is a coincidence?  I can recall more examples but this is already long enough.   

  • Doc58
    6,370 Posts
    Wed, Mar 7 2018 4:27 PM

    Who ever came up with the set of the week for clashes idea must be the same genius that talked Coca Cola into changing it's drink formula to New Coke years ago. Probably gonna see the same results. When they have to switch back for lack of participation, wonder if they'll call it Classic Clash!

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Wed, Mar 7 2018 4:38 PM


    Who ever came up with the set of the week for clashes idea must be the same genius that talked Coca Cola into changing it's drink formula to New Coke years ago. Probably gonna see the same results. When they have to switch back for lack of participation, wonder if they'll call it Classic Clash!

    I have to agree. I'm not using Nikes for low level clubs, and if they don't have woods like the last time I played it in the club. I won't play period


  • Nancy1959
    7,071 Posts
    Wed, Mar 7 2018 5:52 PM

    Playing the Clashes with the "club set of the week" has to be the worst idea that WGT ever came up with....

  • Next260
    2,195 Posts
    Wed, Mar 7 2018 6:03 PM


    Playing the Clashes with the "club set of the week" has to be the worst idea that WGT ever came up with....

    I would have to say So far

    Who knows what they'll come up with next ?

  • Luckystar5
    1,636 Posts
    Wed, Mar 7 2018 6:05 PM





    Sorry, but I have "bought" slow meter balls to use in some of our CC SOTW tournaments and still found the meter and clubs to be so inconsistent that WGT seemingly finds a way to take a ball even on holes that I would never ordinarily lose a ball.  This is just ridiculous!

    Probably more to do with your lack of skill TB ( brutally ) H....  ;/

    Pot calling the kettle what?

    The answer you're looking for, sure ain't Black...


    Who rattled your cage ?

    Get back to those red tees CHAMP !!



    It appears that the pot is talking again,  hio from the red tees?  I'm wondering, who is going to start watching the watchmen?  

  • twinponds169
    3,019 Posts
    Wed, Mar 7 2018 6:18 PM

    Playing the Clashes with the "club set of the week" has to be the worst idea that WGT ever came up with...

    No, I'd have to say that the system they came up with for designating "winners" in the clash takes that prize hands down. I would agree that this is second though, however distant.