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Tue, Aug 29 2017 3:35 PM (190 replies)
  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, Aug 22 2017 6:49 AM

    we process information from left to right, not from the middle out.

    By that logic, 1 minus 2 divided by 3 (1-2/3) should equal -1/3. There's no negative numbers on my tape measure.



  • gonfission
    2,234 Posts
    Tue, Aug 22 2017 7:13 AM

    You can't just toss a math rule out to make a case. 

    When the moose is loose, anything is possible.

    Alosso, my wife may be making the delivery, as if any of those numbers should be the "chosen ones", I'm going to die laughing.

    She's a hot Chinese chick, so you may want to pray extra hard for your "number" to show up :-)). You most likely will have to enter into "negotiations" about the percentage though.

    The Chinese know how to accrue money...

    Okay, here is a rare glimpse into the enigma known in here as Joe...

    I dated a sorority girl long ago. She wanted me to get at least some formal education, so when we went to her parties, she could say I was a college boy.

    I used algebra every day of my life, in fight vectors of many items. That's all I'll say about that.

    Image result for algebraic expressions

    See that last phrase? As most of you were taught, as was I, the "x" represented the "times", or multiplication symbol. When I went to college, as asked, stupidly, I sat through three days of classes, wondering what the fook that DOT was after the number 10.

    I pride myself on being a fast learner. Two days, and 2 1/2 hours, of the three hour classes, I chose to study, I finally asked, "what the fook is the DOT"???

    I was a bit slow that week...

    As I was quite a bit older than the students there, it was almost reminiscent of a horror movie, the way all turned around, SLOWLY, after snickering, to see what flipping idiot, was asking such a stupid question. As it is impossible to embarrass me, most saw that in my face, an eerie silence fell over the lecture hall.

    The professor brazenly explained, that in my "absence from reality", (his words) the DOT, became the new reference for the "x", times symbol...

    I closed my book. Sauntered down the stairs, approached the professor, and tried to whisper to him, " if I ever see you outside this facility, your reality is going to become unrecognizable", and walked up the stairs, as the students sitting near the stairs all leaned inward, as to move as far away from me as possible.

    My voice is a very baritone one, and the "reality check" I gave to the professor, was heard through out the hall.

    That was the end of my college education. 20 minutes later, the demise of the girlfriend came swiftly, after I retuned home.

    I am what I am. Popeye was a huge influence in my youth.

    When I posted that Rodney Dangerfield post on him being tested, in college, I had shivers up my spine. As Rodney stated, "I take no shyt from anyone"!

    Three days of total confusion, have never occurred like that in my life, before, or after that event.

    Then, alosso, puts up his number picks.

    Aye yi fooking yi.....

    You got me alosso. A lot have tried, and failed epically. But not you, NOOOOOO

    Now the sweet clerk at the store, that is extra nice to me, is going to have her suspicions about me being, "wahnsinnig", confirmed.


    This is history as well. Write it down, cuz it ain't gonna happen again... LMFAO 

    Oh, Jeff & YJ, your gonna have to rely on some other "sucker" for your SS checks to be fulfilled today. I'm home doing the brakes on my truck


    Edit: Thanks for the honest invite alosso.

    Again you have peeked my interest as to how you would know, I would know the airport code??

    You are one sly fox. Golf would be a real pleasure. I guarantee to bring uncontrollable laughter, and amazement with my golfing prowess.

    I am the epitome of the axiom," $1500.00 worth of clubs, will never fix a bad swing".

    The game is "afoot"

    scan & post your numbers later, when I can "stop" at the store, not in it

  • drmoose
    3,532 Posts
    Tue, Aug 22 2017 8:47 AM


     @ Jim , here's an example.

    Times are tough and you're down to your last sleeve of balls (1). You hit the lottery and decide to splurge buying ten more sleeves from the pro shop( +10) I challenge you to a match play game where the loser agrees to double the winners inventory of balls (x2). You, of course being the better player, win. Do I pay you 21 sleeves or, 22 ?


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, Aug 22 2017 9:04 AM

    Times are tough and you're down to your last sleeve of balls (1). You hit the lottery and decide to splurge buying ten more sleeves from the pro shop( +10) I challenge you to a match play game where the loser agrees to double the winners inventory of balls (x2). You, of course being the better player, win. Do I pay you 21 sleeves or, 22 ?

    Man does that fail miserably. LOL I enter the match already in possession of 11 sleeves of balls so 22.

    1 +10 = 11   sleeves in the bag

    Bet made

    11 x 2=22   Level 71 Nikes, please.

    Try again. In fact, I will gift you a sleeve of whatever you want if you can prove your view-that MDAS is incorrect.  ;-)

  • drmoose
    3,532 Posts
    Tue, Aug 22 2017 9:22 AM

    Lol, Jim. At no time did I say that MDAS is incorrect. I did say that if  "()" are "implied" they may or may not exist. If they do not exist, as in my example, the correct answer is 22,.as you yourself arrived at. I see nothing wrong with that reasoning.

    Doc :)

  • mkg335
    5,491 Posts
    Tue, Aug 22 2017 9:46 AM

    Doc, my good friend, it doesn't matter about the parentheses...there's only one correct answer to 1 + 10 x 2...left to right, right to left, upside down and sideways, the correct answer is 21.

  • drmoose
    3,532 Posts
    Tue, Aug 22 2017 10:02 AM

    Okay Mark, lol. Sorry JY, yer only gettin' 21 sleeves 'cuz that's the only answer.

    Doc ;)

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, Aug 22 2017 10:12 AM

    Ya, to what Mark laid out. The problem is, that isn't what you laid out. This is what you said.  :-)

    1 + 10 = 11

    11 x 2  = 22


    Judge Judy will be involved if I don't get that 22nd sleeve.  LOL

  • mkg335
    5,491 Posts
    Tue, Aug 22 2017 10:37 AM

    Yep, two different problems.  Sorry, Doc.

  • drmoose
    3,532 Posts
    Tue, Aug 22 2017 10:48 AM

    Lol, I never said nuthin' about 11 ( you did ) . I  said  1 + 10 doubled  = 22 or 1 +10 x 2 = 22. It all depends on which part of the equation you factor first. Under MDAS you obviously multiply 10 x 2 first then add 1 to get 21. Without that rule, and accepting that "implied" does not necessarily mean a thing exists The missing parentheses allow me to process the equation from left to right to arrive at 22. Neener, neener ! 

    Doc :)

    If you add 1st then multiply ( as YJ did with his sleeves ) you get 22

    If you multiply 1st and then add ( MDAS ) you get 21

    I believe both are valid answers, depending on the method applied.