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Merion Greens

Fri, Nov 4 2022 12:53 PM (58 replies)
  • MrFunnyWobbl
    894 Posts
    Mon, Dec 26 2016 4:56 PM


    Merion greens are a JOKE.
    In RL they're even crazier.  I grew up 4 miles from Merion.  Caddied there and played it.  Thank God for the 19th hole.

    story time?

  • K7JBQ
    1,469 Posts
    Mon, Dec 26 2016 5:54 PM

    Amazing how so many players will take a dirt road 20 miles out of the way to avoid Merion.

    Just finished a bracket tournament that included Merion in the second round. Won it mainly because no one of the left side of the bracket bothered to finish the round. Had any one of those guys posted a score, they would have been in the final. Bracket # 363200.

    For the record, I somehow hit the ball backwards off the tee on the first hole and ended up with a triple bogey. Then lost another ball and ended the round with a whopping 39. Only reason I won was because my opponent had it worse...and the guys on the other side of the bracket bailed.

    It's a tough track, yes, but jeeze, does just the mention of Merion freak you out?

  • sodakknight
    705 Posts
    Tue, Dec 27 2016 4:08 AM


    2 other holes that should be played like that which we rarely play are # 18 @ Cabo and # 12 @ Whistler. Both those above the hole are killers.

    I like #12 at Whistler!  

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  • kavvz
    2,195 Posts
    Thu, Dec 29 2016 5:24 PM

    Relatively new Legend here...and have 2 rounds on Merion since.

    1st round was -2 heading to 5.  Doubled 5 and tripled 6.  Carded a 74.

    Just today was -3 heading to 5, and actually managed to par it.  I thought giddy up!  Not so fast, doubled 6 after 4 putting.  Was 12 ft. for bird.   Learned the importance of being under and left of the hole there -- just like at 5.  

    Overshot the 3 wood on 9 to bogey that one as well for a 36.

    Didn't play bad, it's just that course will kill the smallest mistake.  

    TM's don't ever have this problem I seem to recall not so long ago!  :)



  • 8802
    4,337 Posts
    Wed, Jan 4 2017 8:49 AM

    Anybody that knows the game of golf realizes we are very fortunate to have this historic, classic course available to us.  One of the best in the world, and, IMO, the best WGT course.  Short, but dangerous.  You have to think and strategize your way around or pay the price.

    Speaking of, learn where on the greens to position yourself and they no longer "are a joke."  In fact, the course can yield low scores if you hit your spots, leaving yourself makeable chances.

    I love playing against players that hate Merion.  I've got them beat before we even tee off.

  • 186con
    7 Posts
    Fri, Feb 3 2017 4:36 PM

    Not according to WGT and all the other WGT players on this site.  They say it is ok  and to learn how to play the site  


    You are correct, they are a joke.  I swear several of the cups are cut in the middle of hill at a 45 degree angle.  I have never seen putts break that much in my entire life.  


    I agree with you Steve.  However, WGT wont admit it or fix it.  Good luck.  Also, dont listen to the clowns telling you to learn how to play.

  • 186con
    7 Posts
    Fri, Feb 3 2017 4:37 PM

    phred is the worse BTW

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Fri, Feb 3 2017 5:05 PM

    phred is the worse BTW

    Can someone translate that into English please?

    The more this dude says the more idiotic he appears. Talk about digging your own hole.

  • Robert1893
    7,730 Posts
    Fri, Feb 3 2017 5:12 PM

    Can someone translate that into English please?

    You really need to invest in one of these. Even so, I'm not completely confident that it would help here. :-) 

  • phred952
    2,714 Posts
    Fri, Feb 3 2017 7:31 PM


    phred is the worse BTW

    I'm the worst what?

     I fully understand that Merion is a very tough course.  I wouldn't play it when I first joined WGT.   I can remember using the L0 Max Meter driver that was good for 225 yards distance, and not being able to even get to the fairway on #18 when you played into the wind.  That was from the red tees.

    I forced myself to keep trying after I got some better equipment, and I got where I developed a love/hate relationship with the course.  I loved the Front 9 and hated the Back 9.  So I kept playing it some more and the last few times i've tried it I did better on the Back 9 than the Front 9.  

    I'm not a great player by any stretch of the imagination, but my best @  Merion is a 61.  Yours is a 74.  You've been a member for almost 7 1/2 years (about 384 weeks) and you have played 776 ranked rounds.  Thats 2.01 rounds per week.  I've played 1445 ranked rounds in 2 yrs 4 months (about 121 weeks).  Thats 11.94 rounds per week.

    So I'm the worst because I said it takes practice?  You really think you can be good at this game playing as little as you do?  This game requires that you learn by doing things over and over.  

    There's a lot I could say, but people have read your other posts and know you're just someone who wants to blame the game when things don't work out for you.  I won't trade insults or quips with you because there is no point.

    By the way, if you think the game is unfair now, just wait until you get to Legend tier.

    Good Luck, as you're going to need it.