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*** Tournament Issues***

Mon, Aug 8 2016 1:02 PM (135 replies)
  • SpazzStick
    262 Posts
    Fri, Jul 29 2016 7:14 AM


    Hi Everyone. We know that everyone is having trouble posting scores in tournaments and we are working as fast as we can to make this right. We will update you all as soon as we can with further details. 



    UPDATE: 1:24 PM 

    We have a fix in test for tournament issues, waiting for the greenlight. Once we have a greenlight we will be doing a short downtime to update the game and get your tournaments back in order. The kicker is that due to the nature of the issue your tournament scores that you posted today that did not go through, will still not update to the final cards. It appears the single round tournaments that are marked currently as "not played" even though you have played it, will not be replayable after the update.

    I'll update with further information when I have it. 


    UPDATE: 2:56 PM 

    We will be momentarily shutting down the servers at 3:00 PM and it should be back up with a fix for this tournament issue at around 3:15 PM. 

    Thank you very much for your patience in this matter and the service will be back better than ever shortly! 

    I will continue to update this thread with more information. 

    WGT Universe


    UPDATE 3:34 PM 

    The site is back up, the fix is in. Tournaments should be reacting normally now. As I said earlier this will not post your scores into the tournaments during the times that the issues were occurring. If you lost entry fees from a tournament, please contact customer service with the tournament IDs of the problem tournaments. 

    We are expecting a high volume of tickets while CS works to get entry fees back to those affected. So please be patient while they work to serve everyone. 

    Also, we will be running a login ball tomorrow to help give you back  the hits on the ball you wasted. Tomorrow just by logging in you will receive a Max Gold Shimmer ball. 


    keep your max gold shimmer balls...that's hardly a consolation for missing out on the many tournament rounds that were already played. i can't speak for anyone else, but i missed out on 5 tournaments so far, and a gold shimmery ball just doesn't cut it.

    you should, at the very least, put in the effort to reimburse every affected player a minimum of a sleeve of the balls they actually use. compared to the MANY credits lost to the players that got bent over the barrel, wgt could probably take the hit in paying back the users.

  • newcastleb
    1,813 Posts
    Fri, Jul 29 2016 7:27 AM

    What brought me here in the first place was the game. Golf. I don't need pizza boxes, flamingos, cannons, flashing lights or anything else cluttering the place, I just want to play the game please. 

    Couldn't have put it any better - very well said sir


  • jeffmatulich
    482 Posts
    Fri, Jul 29 2016 8:19 AM

    One...just one hack lvl ball........well I guess I'll leave that "hulk smash" gif previously posted on page 4.   


    Good grief guys.....really lame. 

    633 Posts
    Fri, Jul 29 2016 9:04 AM


    Such abysmal Public Relation.....most responsible Companies value their consumer....WGT appear to hold theirs in contempt, and treat them such......

    What should be an easy them the Credits they are created the mess....and as a gesture of goodwill give a sleeve of balls to all effected by your incompetence...The balls as far as I'm aware cost you why not be magnanimous for once.....

    Whilst it will not do much to help you appalling reputation regards Public Relations, it would be a good place to start rebuilding some goodwill...

    Here's hoping




    Since my other post never made it through moderation (have no clue why) I am going to try again to reach someone with authority in this company. It is quite obvious that there was a MAJOR problem with the update last night that caused an extreme amount of anxiety and frustration to more than 75% of your customers as evidenced by the forum threads. I too was very angered by this update as it cost me in tournament winnings both on the WGT site and my CC.

    Now I understand that things can go wrong with every update, but this one was a MAJOR problem the likes I haven’t seen since I came on board 983 days ago. I’m a bit curious as to how your decision to placate your customer base with 1 free ball came about. I personally take this meager gesture as a sign of how your COMPANY CULTURE is really structured.

    In my experience in corporate functioning, it was always better to personally reach out to the entire customer base with a true heartfelt apology and a generous sincere offering that was greater than the offence perpetrated, either knowingly or unknowingly, by anyone connected to the company. This is CORPORATE BUSINESS 101.

    I’m not here to ask for the moon as recompense, just that the feeble gesture on your part will probably disenfranchise more of your customers than has already happened with the issue of the day.  Might I suggest that the powers that be take the time to really take an honest look at the situation and review the consequences? Maybe getting an honest opinion from outside the COMPANY might be a good start, say from some of your own experienced clientele.


    In closing, I want you to reflect on a quote from Gandhi that I stressed to all who worked under me in my company. It changed my company’s environment immensely and we grew exponentially.

               " A customer is the most important visitor, on our premises.

                         He is not dependent on us.

                        We are dependent on him.

                    He is not an interruption on work.

                         He is the purpose of it.

                  He is not an outsider to our business.

                              He is part of it.

          We are not doing him a favor by serving him....

    He is doing us a favor by giving us the opportunity to do so."

    Thanks for taking the time out of your day to read this



  • roidrage03
    399 Posts
    Fri, Jul 29 2016 9:38 AM


    UPDATE 3:34 PM 

    The site is back up, the fix is in. Tournaments should be reacting normally now. As I said earlier this will not post your scores into the tournaments during the times that the issues were occurring. If you lost entry fees from a tournament, please contact customer service with the tournament IDs of the problem tournaments. 

    We are expecting a high volume of tickets while CS works to get entry fees back to those affected. So please be patient while they work to serve everyone. 

    Also, we will be running a login ball tomorrow to help give you back  the hits on the ball you wasted. Tomorrow just by logging in you will receive a Max Gold Shimmer ball. 


    So along with getting screwed out of prize credits, all the people who use expensive Nikes and Calloways will be rewarded for their continued loyalty despite continuing errors with a ball that no one will use.

    Who said that WGT doesn't know how to give quality customer service?

  • WGTChampion
    1,891 Posts
    Fri, Jul 29 2016 9:39 AM

    Hi guys, I'm sorting through stuff as fast as I can through private messaging and here on the forums. As you can imagine today is hectic for our friends in CS who are working to answer each and everyone one of you who messaged in. They will answer you message, but there are a lot of you so it will be a slow process. 

    Please if you see other players in the forums starting threads about their tournament issues from yesterday, please link them back to this thread for further information. 


  • Jresh0817
    1,414 Posts
    Fri, Jul 29 2016 10:01 AM

    I agree...I mean it does not cost them anything to throw a sleeve of good balls our way...geez


    One...just one hack lvl ball........well I guess I'll leave that "hulk smash" gif previously posted on page 4.   


    Good grief guys.....really lame. 


  • benny837
    2 Posts
    Fri, Jul 29 2016 10:28 AM

    I have been paying credits with no access to games . So far I'm out 400 credits . Two bracket games and one ready to go.

    Hope they return my credits !!!!!!!!

    The ready to go has no id number and is 200 credits Merion course.

    The two brackets are 314708 and 313977 both 100 credits.

    Gives me a code 1074 or something like that ..saying I don't qualify.. but hey take my money .

    Please fix this .

  • Pkay72
    229 Posts
    Fri, Jul 29 2016 10:30 AM

    Takes balls. Every top Country Club should run free tournaments for a week using free balls only on par 3 and par 5 so it does not affect players average . See how much cash they would loose they then might listen

  • lonniescott711
    4,187 Posts
    Fri, Jul 29 2016 10:48 AM


    I have been paying credits with no access to games . So far I'm out 400 credits . Two bracket games and one ready to go.

    Hope they return my credits !!!!!!!!

    The ready to go has no id number and is 200 credits Merion course.

    The two brackets are 314708 and 313977 both 100 credits.

    Gives me a code 1074 or something like that ..saying I don't qualify.. but hey take my money .

    Please fix this .

    Contact Customer Support and they will refund your credits .