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Ready Go's

Sun, Oct 2 2016 2:20 PM (111 replies)
  • Courtney01
    912 Posts
    Tue, Jul 19 2016 7:08 AM

    Yes, many people do play the lower stakes RG's. This thread was geared more towards what WGT is lacking. As of right now there are 8 50 CR or 100 CR Rg's which is a good amount to keep people who like those busy. However for people who enjoy RG's that are 200 Cr's and up, there are 3. All of those three take several days to fill up which is why when they are played you are stuck for 3-4 days with nothing you want to play which is why we need several more 200 cr, 300 cr, 500 cr type RG's.

    My experiences with RG's have shown that its more about the course then about the amount. If you have a 1000 CR RG on st andrews that will fill up rather quickly, in the past it would fill at worst in 2 days, maybe now since the list has become boring some people have checked out?

    The issue for me personally with 50 cr's as others have seemed to mention you are just spinning your wheels. If you were to come in 3rd place every time for 10 rg's in a row you would profit 1000 cr's. In those 10 Rg's you would be hitting the ball approx 300 times which would work out to be full sleeve gone and most of another sleeve gone. And that is obviously spinning tires, you play 10 RG's buy 2 sleeves of balls and you are basically down 300 credits (assuming you use level 90 balls)

    I think we should still have one 1000 CR RG at all times because it allows people who want to play in those just to have one that they can really enjoy while people who want low stakes have plenty to play. If WGT would actually respond and see this thread that would be nice, maybe in a couple more weeks lol.

    Please add more in the 200-500 range, at least 6 or 8 more and it will really inject a little life back into the game. Like agent says WGT has cut back nearly across the board, prizes cut in half in the tour, RG list just a shell of itself. I guess the troubling thing is how much worse will it get? or have they cut back enough to where they are happy? They should have went the other way start small and then grow bigger with bigger prizes, instead they make it where it was fun and they make it less and less fun.

  • Courtney01
    912 Posts
    Tue, Jul 19 2016 7:15 AM

    In the past the Rg list looked something like this....

    1000 CR RG

    500 CR RG

    500 Cr RG

    300 CR RG

    300 CR RG

    200 CR RG

    200 CR RG

    200 CR RG

    100 CR RG

    100 CR RG

    100 CR RG

    100 CR RG

    100 CR RG

    100 CR RG

    They left us in the neighborhood of 15 RG's to play. If you were waiting for some of the ones you want to play to payout and re-open you could do some 100 CR RGs in the mean time. Now with the 50 CR RG's Added here is what we currently have

    1000 CR RG

    500 CR RG

    300 CR RG

    100 CR RG

    100 CR RG

    100 CR RG

    50 CR RG

    50 CR RG

    50 CR RG

    So its obvious they have cut back big time. Not only have 50 cr Rg's become the new 200 and 300, they also lowered the overall number of RG's while making them much much smaller while the equipment costs the same or more.


  • AgentBrown123
    907 Posts
    Tue, Jul 19 2016 3:20 PM


    mathematics aside, i think it has a negative impact on wgt profits to have such few ready gos to choose from. i can only speak for myself, but i am playing considerably less since the list went down to 10/9/8 entries. i only play the 1k/500cr rg if they have high wind and a course i like (otherwise im not competitive) and the rest becomes rather boring after playing it the 3rd time in a week.
    Im pretty sure I would play at least 2 or 3 rg a day if there would be a nice list of around 20 different tournies to choose from.

    It's hard to argue against what you're saying as it ascertains to dimished ready go participation. You're right about that and I concur; I've played much less myself too because of this. But the fact that I'm not playing much anymore isn't hurting wgt from a financial standpoint or otherwise if I'm being realistic. I've only purchased maybe $5.00 in credits over last 4 years (sold my clubs and gave away all my credits in attempt to Just looking at your stats and earnings I doubt you have either. And that right there is what they might be trying to address. That adds up after awhile.

    All I'm saying is I can see what they're doing. Not infering I agree with it necessarily, but that's just what it appears to be happening to me.

    Maybe I'm wrong... actually I hope I'm wrong. Maybe the cause is just laziness or lack of imagination and wgt sees this thread and fixes it, after awhile :). But all the evidence would lead me to believe the current lacking RG list is purposeful.



    10,705 Posts
    Sat, Jul 23 2016 11:50 AM

    The problem with Ready Go's is the payout structure. 50 cent Ready go's should be top 4 get paid only... 100 credit ready go's top 6.   500 credit  top 10.. Adopt this policy and the payout will increase for placed players in lower credit ready goes.  50  runners at 100  pop = 5000 credits,,, first place gets 600. you make 500 profit, too funny!!!!  The pay out structures especially with lower entry fees are ridiculous . Finish 2nd and only double your stake after beating 48 players is stupid!!!.

  • Infinito3010
    3,689 Posts
    Sat, Jul 23 2016 10:23 PM

    Just my opinion:

    You want more participation, not alienation:   Leave only a couple of high roller RG's and limit the remainder to no more than 300 credits.

    10,705 Posts
    Sun, Jul 24 2016 5:52 AM

    How many times have players asked for more 200 and 300 credit entry's? Falls on deaf ears and the list becomes stale!!  Look its very easy.  You need to cater for 3 sections of players ,its not rocket science!  Section 1 are the high rollers with 100 thousand credits plus! They need an incentive to play!  so more 500 plus comps required for them!!

    Section 2!!  Players with a credit bank between 5 and 10 thousand. They need more 200 and 300  credit comps.

    Section 3. Players with little credits looking for game experience or competitive fun not looking to smash the credit balance!  They require 50 comps which in my opinion with have enough now.Also you need to be creative with the Ready go settings. Surprise us :)  sheesh come on use yer imagination !!

  • AgentBrown123
    907 Posts
    Sun, Jul 24 2016 2:48 PM

    They'll never change the payout structure. It's there for a reason. It would be too high if they went top 4... the better players would play and dominate all of them. The border line competitors would never join then.

    They just need more 200-500 credit rgs... Noticed they just started a 400 credit pinehurst rg. yay!


  • WoodenHands
    526 Posts
    Sun, Jul 24 2016 5:22 PM

    The new RG list is just as uninspiring as ever.

    Why not use all the courses and have low, medium and high stakes on each?

  • AgentBrown123
    907 Posts
    Sun, Jul 24 2016 7:19 PM


    The new RG list is just as uninspiring as ever.

    Why not use all the courses and have low, medium and high stakes on each?

    hmmmm, thought I saw more up. Yeah... it really isn't much better... :( too bad

  • TigerLuvsBush
    491 Posts
    Mon, Jul 25 2016 1:57 AM

    I keep looking at the 5000cr UL at Oakmont RG...


    Now has 8 players entered. Three weeks ago there were 8 players entered.


    Anyone like to hazard a guess when this will fill up? Kinda sums up WGT's ineptitude when it comes to creating RGs imo. lol