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camera angles

Sat, Mar 2 2024 9:50 AM (22 replies)
    2 Posts
    Mon, Oct 6 2008 3:14 PM

    I would prefer the camera angle to be close to my golfer and directly behind (not from a 45 degree angle) so that I can line up my shots better.



  • wgttesters
    3 Posts
    Mon, Oct 6 2008 5:05 PM

    agree entirely... Lining up a putt (or any other shot) typically requires standing behind the ball.... If its good enough for Tiger... ;-)

  • JRM1
    15 Posts
    Mon, Oct 6 2008 9:46 PM

     For the most part I just use the reverse angle because it is setup on a perfectly straight angle almost always.

  • Jagger
    8 Posts
    Tue, Oct 7 2008 9:33 AM

    I agree with you all. Would also like to be able to control the camera angle as well, as everyone is different on what they would like to see.

  • neomaxi
    6 Posts
    Fri, Oct 10 2008 5:56 AM

    Yup.. camera angle should be directly behind the golfer or the options to move it...

  • Jymbo
    1 Posts
    Fri, Oct 10 2008 12:43 PM


    Sign me up for that as well.  Putting seems to be the hardest part of my game due (hopefully) to the camera angle.

  • Robbob88
    2 Posts
    Mon, Oct 13 2008 9:06 AM

     Ya I agree.

  • raiderrob67
    70 Posts
    Thu, Dec 31 2009 2:01 AM

    yes,i agree.haveing the option to change angles  would be great.

  • DeneOjibway
    19 Posts
    Tue, Jul 10 2018 3:51 AM



    Sign me up for that as well.  Putting seems to be the hardest part of my game due (hopefully) to the camera angle.

    Problem persists 10yrs on..


  • alosso
    21,049 Posts
    Tue, Jul 10 2018 10:15 PM

    Won't change in a lifetime - it would need new photographs and they won't go out to do that. Add that the surroundings have changed - e.g., trees have grown or disappeared (notably CCC).