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The Georgian is a Joke

Tue, Jan 5 2016 4:10 PM (135 replies)
  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Sun, Jan 3 2016 4:56 AM



    having a bit of a time following

    Seems to be a recurring theme......

    Maybe...but when your response to a question is as helpful and well intended as :

    "ABP  d*ckhead...

    or should I say rival company ..

    Either way...just STFU !!"

    ...who can be blamed  for scratching their head...?

    another bad mood?, speaking to someone in the household?, accidentally stepped on the cat?....who knows?


  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Sun, Jan 3 2016 5:12 AM

    another bad mood?,

    Occasionally ....didn't check the profile......and presumed !

    But for you always...

    OK, We / I set our stall out now.......let's see who wins.

    If 'Winning is some feasible thing over the chatty net..

    Just know...

    You p*ss off ONE or ANY of my dearest...we gonna be at loggerheads !!



  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Sun, Jan 3 2016 7:36 AM


    When it comes to dealing with erratic personalities like yours, nobody ever "wins"...

    I didn't make a sarcastic comment towards you, it was the other way with you and most people...if you can't take it, stop freely dishing it out to others. Stop being so miserable with people who have done you no harm, stop answering questions (not even directed at you) with mean spirited barbs, name calling and foul language...

    ...just grow up

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Sun, Jan 3 2016 9:10 AM



    When it comes to dealing with erratic personalities like yours, nobody ever "wins"...

    Truth at last..  ;=)

    .if you can't take it, stop freely dishing it out to others.

    ok  ty 

    Stop being so miserable

    ok ty

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Sun, Jan 3 2016 9:13 AM


    name calling and foul language...

    ...just grow up

    Never my friend......

    Only 'Stop I like is....


  • duffer19
    3,670 Posts
    Sun, Jan 3 2016 9:14 AM

    well - i like andy - and i'm warming up to ct - 

    now what do I do? 

    puff puff pass.............

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Sun, Jan 3 2016 12:52 PM




    Sue has made no comment on any of this...she may not be reading it, or even be aware of it...alas, your pot stirring may have been in vain. Perhaps try posting on her wall?

    She knows.

    You are not in her CC, but must a friend...please pass along a Kudos from me for staying above the can't be easy...I don't know her very well, but she seemed nice enough when I spoke to her.

    No she's not a friend, when you suggested she may not be aware I looked.

    01 Jan
  • GARYC147
    146 Posts
    Mon, Jan 4 2016 11:07 AM

    I do not post much and do not play on starting now but here's my two cents worth:

    I have been a member of the Georgian for about a year and have never been asked to buy a pass.  I use a free pass to play my first round of the day.  I almost never use the evening pass.  During the clashes I try to use 3 free passes per day, again,  not playing during the evening.  Evenings are family time.  I have never bought a pass to play in a clash. 

    Guess What?  I'm still a member of the Georgian.  If I quit paying my dues at my local (real) country club how long do you think my membership would last?



  • dancingdennis
    1,341 Posts
    Mon, Jan 4 2016 11:52 AM

    You can play the clash without a huge outlay of cash but you need a lot of members contributing. Free passes every 4 hrs, most of us have 20 some balls given to us by WGT for playing the tour. But golf is an expensive sport either real or the virtual game. Is the clash rewards big enough, I would say no, especially the gold putter ( virtual to boot) is something most would not spend the credits to buy, why not give more than one out make the clash more meaningful by tiers or levels or membership,  I myself enjoy playing the clash, it is still a competition as well as a partnership within your CC working together. Also there are no rules in the Georgian, do we like members to contribute XP? Yes we do but maximizing your consecutive day bonus with one of your 2 free daily passes is more than enough XP for any CC. Some members cannot be bothered to even do that. There is a lot of negative comments on this topic regarding the Georgian but it has really been a good CC, were everybody just plays the games they want to and no pressure to play the clash. I have been on 3 CC's and came back to the Geogian. Maybe for some the grass is greener somewhere else, but I am glad to be back. Whatever you do have fun doing it, do not burn out and only spend what you can afford to spend- this is a fun game to play