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New Callaway Balls

Tue, Feb 1 2011 1:46 PM (130 replies)
  • racoondad
    322 Posts
    Thu, Jan 27 2011 12:46 PM


    So best guess is somewhere between 112 and 120 hits for a ball, provided you don't get bitten by the meter and lose one.

    120 hits for 2.5 dots. That's it? Wow. That's a scam. I'm pretty certain a 1 dot GI-SD ball lasts about 90 hits, about two 18-hole rounds. One explanation could be a plane ball (0 dot) has 70 hits, and each durability dot means 20 more hits. So 1 dot is 90 hits, 1.5 dots is 100 (close to what I estimated for a legend ball), and 2.5 dots means 120.

    You think you get a pretty good deal with 2.5 times durability. LOL. To me that's 2.5 times F*'s when literarily a $ disappears in water.

  • racoondad
    322 Posts
    Thu, Jan 27 2011 1:06 PM


    dots o' durability -

    WGT has never said that there is an arithmetical ratio tied to the dots. Is the spin on a ball with 2 dots twice as fast as one with 1 dot, and so on? The increase from one dot to the next could be only marginal, but noticeable.

    Sure. It's like the distance rating - each dot means certain percentage more than regular ones. But how many people here think 2 dots durability means twice more hits than 1 dot? If more than 50% think so, then it's a scam IMO.

  • Mem11
    199 Posts
    Thu, Jan 27 2011 1:12 PM

    WGT has never said that there is an arithmetical ratio tied to the dots.

    True - As I said I don't think WGT really wants anyone to figure out "exactly" how many hits you get, spin or distance per dot.  Could be a combination of things where 2.5 maybe only means 2.3 and as racoondad alluded too, there could be a starting point of "hits" and each dot could add so many more.  Unless WGT comes out and tells us, then we're all just speculating.

    You only have to look at the R9 Super Tri 8.5 Driver versus the R9 8.5 TP Driver(L80).  They have the exact same meter speed, but anyone that owns them both knows the R9 8.5 TP Driver(L80) is much slower.

  • PaulH0070
    1,339 Posts
    Thu, Jan 27 2011 1:52 PM

    well done WGT, you've just made this game a joke.

    these balls should be legend only, you'll see every tier shooting -15 at least for a winning score. fk me, if i can shoot -12 with my skill and ball choice, the better players will now make this game pointless to play if you want to win any credits. and it'll take the fun out of it.

    Forget a TM only RG, I'd want a same ball only RG!

    give the balls to the elite players of the game, don't give them to players that don't need them. why would anyone other than legends need this ball? and that applies to all equipment available, there needs to be a limit to what your tier can buy.

    yes, I'm a bit of a hypocrite saying that because I've done the same, bought myself a few strokes a hole with the equipment I've got. but i draw the line at these balls, it just seems too much of a cheat for lower tiers.

    ultimately the answer is it's done to make money, nothing else. it doesn't help flattering an average player into thinking they're something special. make the game about skill again, not who can buy their way to the top.

  • rlweller
    108 Posts
    Thu, Jan 27 2011 2:13 PM

    its all about the $$$$ not fairness, has anyone ever got explanation of the reasoning behind all these non-legends having same equipment as legend but teeing off from 30-50 yds closer maybe its just me but does not sound right, There has always been problem with sand baggers it seems to me its even worse why would you want to be Legend now a days,Great Job Wgt lmao

  • zagraniczniak
    1,984 Posts
    Thu, Jan 27 2011 2:36 PM

    has anyone ever got explanation of the reasoning behind all these non-legends having same equipment as legend but teeing off from 30-50 yds closer

    No answer, really, this has been over ad nauseam, but it strikes me that folks are strongly encouraged to play within their own tier.

  • jcs89
    172 Posts
    Thu, Jan 27 2011 3:17 PM

    WGT WILL NOT listen.  They have never listened before and they will not listen now.  I usually don't complain and enjoy playing this game immensely but who in their right mind would want to be a legend?  What is the reward for achieving this status? The legend ball? lol... And why the big push to promote same tiered competition?  The handicap is in the tee distance.  Why in the world allow equal equipment for everyone? Right now there is not many tour masters that i will play in MPC's.  But I'm whistling in the wind saying all of this.  Great game with great potential that just continues not to be tapped.   Please respond WGT.

    10,706 Posts
    Thu, Jan 27 2011 4:03 PM

    From what ive seen the new balls major player advantage over legend ball is the ability to land the 3  4  and 5 irons much softer,,This shouldn't apply to TMs because they very seldom have these yardages so i think the legends will benefit most from these balls,I absolutely love em,:)And when i get used to them>>>>Boy are you lot in trouble!! pfft

  • Soulcatcher
    1,970 Posts
    Thu, Jan 27 2011 4:07 PM

    Why in the world allow equal equipment for everyone?


    If you go back in the forums to when clubs were tiered, there was post upon post saying " I can go to the store and buy any club I want............"

    People complained that you couldn't buy clubs, now people complain that you can.

    My point is, no matter what system WGT puts in place people will complain.


    Happy hitting

  • gsoup
    2,929 Posts
    Thu, Jan 27 2011 4:23 PM

    hese balls should be legend only, you'll see every tier shooting -15 at least for a winning score. fk me, if i can shoot -12 with my skill and ball choice, the better players will now make this game pointless to play if you want to win any credits. and it'll take the fun out of it.

     i buy all the good stuff because its fun, i can afford it, and sometimes i get lucky. have all  top of the line stuff and am tickled pink when i shoot par, i think i have had 3 under par rounds, should have more but thats because of #17.

    remember its just a game.
