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christmas cc challenge 2015

Thu, Jan 21 2016 7:41 AM (292 replies)
  • PTrenter
    437 Posts
    Tue, Aug 18 2015 1:09 PM

    barrybelfast TL v Quikdrawmcgraw L barrybelfast wins 2&1

  • iainmclean
    1,291 Posts
    Wed, Aug 19 2015 5:32 AM

    derbyshire rams v english lakes country club

    I took bigbrian's place who is in hospital (all the best Brian, get well soon). i lost to surfinscottie 2 down in a great match.


  • mightyred
    3,139 Posts
    Fri, Aug 21 2015 12:09 PM

    Thanks to Derbyshire Rams for a really good contest, some great matches in there.

    3,174 Posts
    Fri, Aug 21 2015 11:26 PM

    hello all

    im sorry to say this but the second round cannot start yet because im waiting for 3 more teams to be sent to me.

    no quitters her please 1,2,3

    i havnt had any contact off gary(luis000),i have sent a few messages across and not one reply.

    i have sent andy(thesnakeyes) the owner to see if he could have a word and get things sorted so we can carry on the comp and again no reply which is out of character for andy,we have always got on well.

    i know a few of our players have had problems there must be some other issues going on for them to not contact me.

    i will give it till monday to see if they send me their teams or explain whats going on.

    after that my other option would be to start again with 9 teams.

    im sorry for those players who already played hard and won but at least you have played,

    i friended my opponent and never heard off him again,i sent him messages and posted on his board and nothing,

    let me know if you would be prepared to start again please.

    sorry about this but one way or another this comp will carry on


    ps any more results come in please

  • TitilloPM
    622 Posts
    Sat, Aug 22 2015 1:00 AM

    Ok, Paul, I hope they can reply soon, same thing happened to me on a couple of matches against NQHP, I contacted Gary to ask for two of their players and he didn't answer at all.

    We'll support you on any decision you have to take.


    The Madrid Golf Club.

  • 1starrs7
    650 Posts
    Sat, Aug 22 2015 2:15 AM

    Week 1

    NQPH2                                  V                                 NSU

    Doylerc          Won                v                           twopara

    gwrit59                                   v   won 1up        georgebird

    Toojo                                       v   won 3 up       mufcmikecox

    All games played    NQHP2     3 ( 9 )      -      NSU    5 ( 15 )

    Thank you for all the games.

    Cheers Rich

    We will go with what ever the out come is Paul, would be great to have all the teams in but if have to drop to 9 teams and restart thats fine.

  • Ianzzz
    6,348 Posts
    Sat, Aug 22 2015 2:26 AM

    I am behind you Paul, whatever decision is made, it will be in the interest of the comp as a whole and we support that

    We will see what happens



  • mightyred
    3,139 Posts
    Sat, Aug 22 2015 2:39 AM

    If you don't hear anything I would suggest we carry on with the fixtures as they are, this won't disrupt your schedule then,  any fixture against NQuitters would be a bye with the points awarded. 

    We will obviously support whatever you decide Paul, it's your shout.


  • TitilloPM
    622 Posts
    Sat, Aug 22 2015 12:04 PM

    Final results  for game 1 :


    Match 4        The MGC Impares (21 points) vs SEL 2 (3 points)

    kas64, jesst10, rdbhot, javito1, tinocala, Jonander1969 and giraldin          WIN

    Jaam282         LOSE

    Match 1        The MGC Pares (10 points) vs NQHP 1 (13 points)

    luispevar, Herjavimi and jontavilla        WIN

    topaz53, lypra, manuel553355 and URTURI         LOSE

    Titillopm          DRAW

    (In this match, Herjavimi won by WD from Ant11111, who wasn't available to play. Both captains (luis000 and I) agreed on this decision)




    3,174 Posts
    Sun, Aug 23 2015 12:17 AM

    hello all

    have had contact off gary(nqhp),we have sorted out any problems and im happy for the comp to move on,

    one thing please can you send your teams in lower average order,i just put the teams together as i get them so hopefully players will match up,


    can all captains send me final results so i can check them against each other 

    to make sure they tally up.


    we had a few matches not played which i am not happy about,two weeks is plenty of time to play 1 round of 18 holes,if you have a problem let your captain know early so they can sort it.

    right lets move on


    ROUND 2




    anyone with a +3 against their name must add 3 strokes to their score

    anyone with +5 must add 5 strokes to their score

    any matches not completed will be a draw

    any players not contacting their opponent without a valid reason will forfeit their game


    games to commence today 23 august and must be completed 6th september

    here is the team match up


    will update tables today and post tonight

    lets put this little hiccup behind us and move on

    gl all and have fun
