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Players with no respect for others

rated by 0 users
Sat, Jun 6 2015 6:34 AM (25 replies)
  • BigBlockVettes
    759 Posts
    Sun, May 31 2015 3:44 PM

    I was in an alt. shot game about 1 hour ago , me & my partner were one up on the last hole & hit our drive & my power went out. By the time my power returned it was to late game over. OK I was going to leave the other players a note telling them i was sorry for the game ending like that. Well to my surprise my on partner left me a very rude & ugly stab at the elderly. Now i could not reply to this man because after he run me over with his rude comments he blocked me, a real man. On his profile page he has a message to others that has words like correct behavior, honesty, integrity & sprit of the game, what a joke. Anyone who knows me here at wgt knows i play everything good rounds bad rounds don,t matter i finish. He called me an old man out of my element should not be playing with others that can keep up & remember whats going on. I know we are asked not to say players names on here but this once i am going to just so the rest of you can know who this no class is. his name is .............. Endoll I hope that some of you will let him know old people have rights to ............

  • oneeyedjohn
    9,588 Posts
    Sun, May 31 2015 6:16 PM

    Nobody will read ur post until u paragraph it properly.

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Sun, May 31 2015 6:22 PM

    Not true John!  I read it!  But I'm so old when I was in school they hadn't invented paragraphs yet.


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Mon, Jun 1 2015 2:31 AM

    Not to be done by Andyson....I am so old written language was not even invented - and we had NO school.

    When I first saw hieroglyphs I said it would never take off.

    For the OP, don't let it bother you - there are some dickheads here, just move on.

  • duda51
    1,007 Posts
    Mon, Jun 1 2015 3:10 AM

    Nobody will read ur post until u paragraph it properly.

    You must have ,nobhead

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Mon, Jun 1 2015 4:07 AM



    You must have ,nobhead

    John will be shocked and upset at this.

    He will insist you edit your post to correct the appalling spelling, knobhead.

    Here to help.


  • duda51
    1,007 Posts
    Mon, Jun 1 2015 4:16 AM


    John will be shocked and upset at this.

    He will insist you edit your post to correct the appalling spelling, knobhead.

    Your right if i was calling him a door handle head,but i was calling him a nobhead,as in nobhead--- Similar to the term "poser". A nob head is a person trying to gain attention by bringing themselves down socialy. This kind of action may annoy most people rather than entertain. Nob heads only distribute entertainment when a large ammount of alcohol is consumed.Image result for nobhead

  • ScottHope
    10,613 Posts
    Mon, Jun 1 2015 4:20 AM

    Really!   in a thread about respect for others, c'mon guys.

  • duda51
    1,007 Posts
    Mon, Jun 1 2015 4:26 AM

    Oneeyednobhead had it coming for a long time,if he can give it he can take it,no pun intended,lmfao

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Mon, Jun 1 2015 7:23 AM


    But I'm so old when I was in school they hadn't invented paragraphs yet.


    Well, I owe you much gratitude for my love of history....there was so much interesting stuff about you in the school history books ;-}