I will not be around for the next week. If you need anything please please please bug Icon. He is all alone in his house slaving away over the hot stove with no one to cook for but himself. I know this makes him very sad, so to perk him up send him lots of messages. You can also bug WGTshamwow, but he has a dog to keep him company. Annoying little thing, but company none the less!
If you can guess what city and country I will be in, you will win 5 sleeves of balls and a picture of Icon's top three skirts he likes to wear. He may or may not be in the pictures, all depends on if he has shaved his legs this week.
Hint: There will be a beach where I am
Hint: I will be in the Northern Hemisphere
Hint: Icon wishes he was with me because the food will be scrumptious
- WGTdbloshoe