LMFAO..even peeps who live there don't want to ?
Mind you..anywhere is better than Bradford ;-))
Andy the beach goers in Dorset will start throwing rocks at ya. But at least Bournemouth has sand, unlike Brighton and tons of other beaches in the UK.
But sorry, I do not wish to start a riot, but what is it with many British beach resort towns - they really are gayer than Liberace. Naff Naff Naff.
Do not get me wrong, I love the UK and was home for many years but seaside resorts are stuck in the 60's.
So where do people from Bradford go to the beach? Blackpool or Scarborough, or are they more sensible and get a package holiday ..............anywhere? Heard Siberia is a good alternative....even in winter :)
Speaking of rocks....think I will go and hide under one