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Wed, Jun 24 2015 9:54 AM (25 replies)
  • alosso
    21,045 Posts
    Mon, Jun 22 2015 3:03 PM


    At our CC - we don't care about those numbers ....

    I thought so, once I deciphered your "worse" chiffre.

    Not like a bunch of others CC on WGT

    I respect TPC's decision to go for the biggest XP pile as a sport, but I don't see many to care for this silly weekly comp.

    But from what does the owner of this site live from .....    ..... $$ or £££ or €€€

    No doubt and no objection, but do we have to follow their every proposal to behave stupid?

    PS: Na wie der Title hier oben sagt Paul, meine Antwort dementsprechend... (;-))

    Sorry, I don't get that in detail, but *smiles*

    (Hint: Don't dare to use aunt Goo for German translations!)

  • IrmaLamy
    2,981 Posts
    Wed, Jun 24 2015 9:01 AM


      I am the only one in my CC that cares and I am only curious . No emphasis on XP points . I just mention that they should use them efficiently . And I am the only one that read it . Still no way to message members . This is all time XP's . Not gonna make much impact here .


    May I just point out that the list you posted is the bottom one of your CC members and that your top contributor's are pretty high numbers so it seems you are doing quite ok.

    To motivate those lower ones you need to see how the top CC like TPC or The Georgians do to motivate their members.

    GL with it if this is your goal to move up.

    I left CC's for that reason and others but my choice


  • IrmaLamy
    2,981 Posts
    Wed, Jun 24 2015 9:54 AM

    In that case,

    GL with your CC improvements

    GL with your game improvements

    and best of luck with all you want to achieve here on WGT

    I'm only here for the FUN and I know where my game is at if WGT or my PC would let me too    (lol)     (it's the only place where I can write using my spacebar ... so a good way to avoid writing with . or _ or - or whatever sign in-between... lol)
