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Tough-It-Out VT May event: Congressional

Fri, Jun 5 2015 10:42 AM (80 replies)
  • oneeyedjohn
    9,567 Posts
    Fri, May 15 2015 7:33 PM

    So, I am pretty cheesed off with my first round effort, and couldn;t be bothered to swap out the clubs, I thought I would have a little practice.

    Hit the 'practice' button for round two - red tees and standard greens.


    And this happens


    Driving                             100%          Ave 221 yards, longest 229 yards

    Putting                              15 putts     Longest 32.1    Total 71.27  no 3 putts

    Approach/chipping         ADP    30.2 feet                       GIR    100%


    Why is practice only 9 holes ? 

  • FluffyGreens
    422 Posts
    Sat, May 16 2015 5:40 AM

    Soul destroying not being able to drive on the fairways -_-

  • ponga74
    9 Posts
    Sat, May 16 2015 10:58 AM

    I think it went pretty well ... I had a bit of luck

  • razza31
    703 Posts
    Sat, May 16 2015 11:59 PM

    Absolutely triffic start lol.. Only decent part was hitting all reachable greens bar 1..

  • JoeMaverick
    843 Posts
    Sun, May 17 2015 5:07 AM

    Afwul F9 but good B9. I've hit the trees on #4 for a triple bogey (in practice the ball has always flied over).

    Links to the stream:

    I thought it was the easy pin positions. But According me, it was not!

  • DJW2307
    13,402 Posts
    Mon, May 18 2015 2:23 PM

    Didn't feel like I did a lot wrong, but a couple of careless shots cost me dear. Otherwise, would have been 2 or 3 shots less...Reasonably happy with breaking 80 but know I can do better.






    Good luck to all still to play and roll on Round 2


  • mmyers0
    478 Posts
    Mon, May 18 2015 8:15 PM

    I had a couple of sloppy holes, #1-2 and #12 in particular. Started out poorly by missing the ding on my 3 wood approach and leaving it in the front bunker, then couldn't get the next shot to stay on the green and had to settle for bogey. Then on 2 I hit a good wedge from the fairway to just outside 4 feet, but lipped out the par putt.

    Played a good wedge-and-putt game on the next several holes, then hit a 5 iron to 8 feet and made birdie on the par 5 after barely reaching the fairway on the drive. Hit the next two greens in regulation but had 30+ foot putts, so made pars. Couldn't reach the fairway on #9 but caught the downslope with my hybrid from the rough, laid up to the end of the fairway, and hit 9 iron in close to salvage par.

    I missed a fairly simple 14-footer downhill to start the back nine, then landed my wedge approach on #10 on the upslope of the ridge and stopped 30 feet short. My par attempt burned the edge.

    On #12 I was short of the fairway and hit a decent layup. But I challenged the bunker too hard and found an orange lie in the rough just short of the green. Chopped it out to 8 feet and missed a putt that showed break but ran dead straight - double bogey.

    #13 I missed the ding badly left and had almost no chance to get up and down over the bunker and down the hill. Had 25 feet for par and missed. #14 I was short of the fairway, laid up, and caught the top of the ridge with my approach just like on #11. But unlike #11, this time I was only 13 feet short and managed to pour it in for par.

    #15 is nearly impossible and it didn't get any easier when the meter stopped on my layup attempt. I found the left rough and was not able to get my running shot attempt up onto the green. Did get up and down, but only for bogey.

    #16 I misjudged my 3 iron approach and ran it just over the green. Made a decent attempt with the chip but couldn't get it to drop. But on #17 I hit my best shot of the round, a 3 wood that settled 6 feet past the pin for an easy birdie. Came up short of the green on #18, laid up to 160 yards, and got the approach to run down to the back tier of the green but just off in the fringe. And my par attempt came up inches short.

    Overall it was a pretty good round in terms of short game. But I could have saved a lot of strokes with better iron play.



  • bhoese
    679 Posts
    Mon, May 18 2015 9:34 PM

    I couldn't putt this month.  I missed by less than a hole's width on the high side right up until the bloody end.  There were at least five more like that, from as short as 8 feet.  Pushes, misreads, and mystery starter shanks all joined the party.


  • AdamK70
    433 Posts
    Tue, May 19 2015 7:34 AM

    Disappointed with my score, too many silly mistakes.  Hope for better in round 2.



  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Tue, May 19 2015 4:23 PM

    Just in case it isn't obvious to everyone: FocusBoost has no place in a Tough-It-Out event.

    The whole point of these tournaments is that we are all experiencing the same conditions, with the same clubs, balls... & the same challenging meter speed.

    I hope and trust that no-one will try and use FocusBoost in these events. Thank you!