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Serious question...Is WGT about to shut down?

Mon, Mar 30 2015 1:01 PM (149 replies)
    10,706 Posts
    Fri, Mar 27 2015 7:13 AM


    your depressing me guys .

    let,s have a laugh .

    wgt golf - 3 steps forward , 2 steps back .

    Love the way he stared at the ball as it came back pass him, then with that FFS posture walked back after it LOL

  • jayw4862
    3,364 Posts
    Fri, Mar 27 2015 7:49 AM

    3 steps forward , 2 steps back .

    Did you mean 2 steps forward and 3 steps back?



    wgt isn't going no were for long time n pp will never even be half as good as wgt even with its probs sometimes if u think diff u only dreaming or broke n cant keep affording balls lol in my opinion


    Dumbest post of this entire thread. Possibly dumbest of all time. You say "..broke n cant keep affording balls.." , then "lol". Is it funny if someone is broke? To give you the benefit of the doubt, I will assume you are/were drunk, high, or 10 years old.
    Sometimes it better to remain silent and thought a fool, than to speak post and remove all doubt. 
    its that ego thing kicking in.
    Have to agree. This is a "gamers" game. Some players figure it out, and beat it to death. Others manipulate it (cheat) and beat it to death. Those that figure it out are gamers. Those that manipulate it are just life's losers. 
    Now, this is NOT a put-down of the LEGIT top players here. Especially those that are verified and can turn their credits into cash (Amazon cards sell on e**y every minute). If I could make real money doing this, I would be hammering away, too. But, even those who dominate this game KNOW it's unfathomable to shoot below 60, even from lady's tees at your local course, much less an Open course. No one on this site can play any course WGT has, in real life, and break par. If they could, they would not have time between Tour stops and practice to play this game. 
    The PC version isn't going anywhere. It's just reached it's pinnacle. The new course addition will be (if it even happens) the last course (Full 18 regular course. Not a mix of existing courses or CTTH).
    I'll always come here and play, just not as much as in the past. I won't ever play on any mobile device (I don't even own a mobile device-my cell phone is the same flip phone I had in 2006).
    I took my mother to the doctor a few weeks ago, and once we were signed in, I grabbed a magazine (paper kind) and sat down. I looked around the crowded waiting area (25-30 people) and noticed that every single person in that room was looking down (even a couple of elderly people) at the device in their hands. And they were doing something on them. Texting, reading texts, swiping side to side, checking emails, etc..... and playing games!!!! This is what WGT knows, and it wants in on the action. And, to get in on the mobile side, they have, for the most part, abandoned the PC side (some might use the words "put it on the back burner"). 
    Good business sense/strategy? 100% yes!!!! They've milked this cow to death. It's time to get another cow. The folks running the show aren't dumb, or slow, and damn sure do a good job at staying with the times, sometimes even getting ahead of the times. But, the times change.
    Go back and read Dan's post. Some of you may need to read it slowly to comprehend what it is saying. And, those aren't Dan's words in that post.
  • LOLserver
    3,522 Posts
    Fri, Mar 27 2015 8:11 AM

    I still cannot understand why there is no other gamer group or company using the same technology as WGT., there is a HUGE business.

    Taking those thousands of pics then matching them with the topology and scanning of the terrain is a huge job, but this technology it is so accurate that you can "match" any surface on earth.

    Those topology scannings are very common in modern architecture and not that expensive to get them. Having the scanning as data you can simply imported into a 3D program to create the "surface" where the ball rolls or hit, to what we know as "collidable objects", including trees, buildings, water, etc

    The game engine, if we can call it that, is to make the "ball fly" after being hit  and land on the collidable object. This is something unique that only WGT has developed...and here is where I believe other gamers do not want to use effort & money copying or developing the feature.

    See Cabo, Whistlers, etc, all full 3D courses that have been adapted to WGT "game engine".

    Making awesome 3D courses is not as difficult as it was for some years ago and then creating those thousand of pictures called "renders" in 3D is just a matter of short time per course. much easier and cheaper that using those photographers & helicopters per course finding the GPS location of every single shot/pic. 

    I am an old 3D designer and not an expert on making 3D golf courses but I can even myself make something useful and much better than Cabo, Whistlers, etc 

    sawgrass 17 web photo test-7-web_zps5f13a98c.jpg

    Link for a bigger pic 

    Whatever is happening here with WGT is just confusing and disappointing in my view of the whole situation, therefore I always hope for a new golf game using the HD pictures or " 3D renders" that can compete with WGT and even make WGT better...for the best of all of us golf game enthusiasts.


  • mel1950
    2,887 Posts
    Fri, Mar 27 2015 8:30 AM

    I have read this thread with interest and just hope that all the people that have added to it are not the hands that are pulling the rope that sounds the bell that rings out the death Knell of WGT....HA HA!!   Its also very interesting to note the absence of any comment from WGT itself..

    There are a lot of glitches on here at the moment but the main one that affects a lot of members is the invites.. I run a lot of Multi-Player Tournaments in my club and it has become very difficult to get the rounds completed within the time limit.. I am having to extend the timing of each round to allow for this glitch in the system..

    It becomes quite infuriating both for me and my members..

    Quite a large percentage of members on WGT play this game for the purpose of playing with their friends and even if they manage to get together and start a game they invariably get an ERROR WITH THE GAME..TRY AGAIN LATER message during it..

    Maybe these things will eventually get fixed, maybe not, but there is still nothing out there to compare with WGT..

    Not to worry.. Maybe all the gardening can get done this year!!!!!


  • treebeard
    227 Posts
    Fri, Mar 27 2015 8:47 AM

    I'm afraid for me and possibly countless others,(who are "older"),playing on a mobile or tablet is a bit like try to spot an ant fart from 5 yrds away...........that of course is assuming one knows  where one left the mobile/tablet in the first place.


  • jayw4862
    3,364 Posts
    Fri, Mar 27 2015 8:52 AM

    I'm curious about the mobile version and multi-player games. Has anyone ever played, invited, or been invited to play any type of multi-player game while both, or all players, were on mobile? If so, does it work every time? Or do players not get/see the invites?

    The invite issue (which I haven't encountered because I don't play much MP games) seems to have started when the mobile beta testers' thread came out. I may be wrong, but I don't remember so many players complaining about invites before the mobile thing was put out front.


    4,019 Posts
    Fri, Mar 27 2015 9:00 AM


    3 steps forward , 2 steps back .

    Did you mean 2 steps forward and 3 steps back?



    wgt isn't going no were for long time n pp will never even be half as good as wgt even with its probs sometimes if u think diff u only dreaming or broke n cant keep affording balls lol in my opinion


    Dumbest post of this entire thread. Possibly dumbest of all time. You say "..broke n cant keep affording balls.." , then "lol". Is it funny if someone is broke? To give you the benefit of the doubt, I will assume you are/were drunk, high, or 10 years old.
    Sometimes it better to remain silent and thought a fool, than to speak post and remove all doubt. 
    its that ego thing kicking in.
    The new course addition will be (if it even happens) the last course (Full 18 regular course. Not a mix of existing courses or CTTH).

    What makes you believe this, Jay?

  • skullman10
    2,133 Posts
    Fri, Mar 27 2015 9:04 AM

    Its been going on, certainly in my case, for 3 months jayjaw..It started by a friend mistakingly hitting the block challenges me. He can send me challenges but I cannot to him..WGT do not have an answer as to how to reinstate it. Im no tech geek..but I suggested to take me out as a friend completely..then reinstate me.."Give it a try"..was the response, suffice to say it didnt work anyway. I know its only a game etc but its bloody annoying! 

    Then you get a customer satisfaction email!!..Are you taking the p1ss WGT !! I dont know whats happening but something doesnt feel or seem right to me. Are they shutting down is I guess the biggest question..For those who have spent a nice few quid on equipment..worth a thought and action perhaps..The fact they have not put out a general bulletin update to their supposed 10m players globally, is either just rude, ignorance or may suggest something as i mentioned above. Just a thought. 




  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Fri, Mar 27 2015 9:12 AM

    And while you're at it Jay, could you also explain this?


    I think the majority of active players are those who enjoy playing the game with others (AS, Match, Skins). They come here to relax, enjoy some time spent with friends, joke around with each other, and the banter. That's wonderful, and it's great that they can do that (occasionally, since there is a serious issue with doing that at the moment). But, those players are also at the very, very bottom of the ladder/totem pole when it comes to getting anything they ask for. That part of the game produces, probably, less than 5% of the revenue WGT takes in. 

    If WGT charged 5 credits to set up a multi-player game, it might move up the ladder in regards to getting fixed. But, it would also decrease the multi-player games by 50% or more, and if those players just quit playing altogether, it would put a very tiny dent in the WGT coffers (probably not even noticeable). So, either way, it's not worth the time, effort or money to address any of those player's complaints. 

    What's your reasoning stating the majority of active players (those who come here to play multiplayer games with friends) only produce less than 5% of the revenue for WGT?


  • jayw4862
    3,364 Posts
    Fri, Mar 27 2015 9:15 AM

    What makes you believe this, Jay?

    Which part, Dee?

    The 2 steps thing seems to make more sense the way I wrote it. To me, anyway.

    The dumb post? I don't think that one needs an explanation.

    The last course? It's just my feeling. It costs a LOT of money and takes an enormous amount of time to photograph, GPS, scan, and whatever else is involved in making the course ready for play and then putting it on here. I'm not tech savvy enough to know all the of the words to describe the making of a course. But, I am smart enough to know that the number one thing is "cost". Is it feasible? Can we recoup our investment AND make a profit? If so, how long will it take to turn a profit? 

    Or, is it best to just keep the PC version of the game as is, grab some new players every day, keep our sponsors/partners happy, and still eke out a profit, and focus on the growing mobile technology and it's consumers?

    I think the latter is the plan. But, I'm just expressing my thoughts. I may well be wrong. I honestly hope I am, but I don't think so.