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Tough-It-Out VT March event: Kiawah

Sat, Apr 4 2015 12:18 AM (134 replies)
  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Mon, Mar 23 2015 12:17 AM

    Just a bump for this thread...

    ... and a reminder that there are a little less than 24hrs left to complete R2.

    The remaining players out on the course with a chance to catch the clubhouse leading total of 138 or a top 5 placing (probably 145 needed) are ahades (with a first round 72: needs a 66 to win), Jerm65 (with a 73 in R1), CerinoDevoti, Shankette (both with 75s), and 3knockpenny (a 76).


    And here's the draft Stats doc

    Several players who posted stats for R1 have still to do so for R2 (even though they've played their round), and there are a few that I couldn't read (too small!).

    please note: I've been copying from the thread somewhat hurriedly, so do check that your stats are there if you posted them.

    I've added highlights in yellow for the player(s) leading a particular category, and in blue for closest challengers.

  • ahades
    773 Posts
    Mon, Mar 23 2015 12:32 PM


  • Shankette
    1,583 Posts
    Mon, Mar 23 2015 6:18 PM

    A much better second round  :)  Over 100 ft in putts, but still missed a couple short ones :(

  • Jerm65
    1,413 Posts
    Mon, Mar 23 2015 7:08 PM

    Nicely done Ro.  That's some impressive putting.  :-)

    That was my downfall this go-round.  Couldn't seem to make anything...with the exception of a 25 footer on 15.

     photo TIO-March-Rd2-Front36_zpsoiicv0fu.jpg

     photo TIO-March-Rd2-Back38_zpsyjx9nhn8.jpg

     photo TIO-March-RD2-Scoring_zpsfjq2mrwa.jpg

     photo TIO-March-Rd2-Driving_zps8p0xl9sd.jpg

     photo TIO-March-Rd2-Approach_zpsgj1tayy4.jpg

     photo TIO-March-Rd2-Putting_zpsoeun4pot.jpg

  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Tue, Mar 24 2015 7:02 PM

    And so ends another cracking, and suitably tough Tough-It-Out event. 

    It seems very fitting to see that our top 5 finishers are exactly those who managed to aggregate par or better across both rounds in this format. Precisely what we were hoping for!

    Would anyone who still plans on submitting scorecards and stats please do so by noon tomorrow WGT time (i.e. 17hrs from the time of this post), so I can figure out the special prize winners.

    Here is the Stats document as it stands

    Please do double-check your entries. I did the data input in a hurry, may have missed things, and there were some players for whom the info was illegible, so if you could resubmit your card if you wish to be considered.

    Thanks, Corwyn

  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Wed, Mar 25 2015 3:57 PM

    Well, I think that's it for any late stats entries... so here is the wrap-up post for the March 2015 Tough-It-Out Tourney...

    THE FINAL LEADERBOARD: (link here):


    WGTdbloshoe very kindly offered a sleeve prize to each of the top 5 finishers on the final leaderboard. They are:

    1  Corwyn        TBC

    2  fmagnets    lvl48 Nikes  TBC

    3  Shankette    lvl90 Black Nikes  TBC

    3  Legaci    lvl92 Black Vapor   TBC

    3  ColumbusStorm  lvl81 Nikes   TBC

    Interestingly, 4 of these 5 players were also top 5 last month. Congrats to Mags, Ro, Ian, and Russ on such consistent excellence in this format.

    I've noted down the sleeves you chose last time. Please let me know by noon Friday this week if you want Shoe to send you anything different for your sleeve? I will complete this draft list and send to him.


    Spreadsheet is here.

    Here is a pic of the final standings for these prizes: right-click on the image to enlarge, and keep clicking until you get largest view

    Note I've added a highlight in yellow on the box where that player won that category, and highlights in blue if they were next in the standings.

    Special prizes info from our generous sponsors to be added in here shortly... sorry, ran out of time this afternoon


    Notable achievements from quick glance at Stats sheet:

    Number of saves: (total number of 1-putt par saves through 36 holes, as shown on all cards): Several players managed incredibly impressive figures in this category across both rounds: Wesdogg75 and JoeMaverick both had 14 saves, while fmagnets and SteveW65 had 13, with Shankette and AdamK70 with 12 each. Great short game prowess, guys!

    Most Number of Birdies: Corwyn was well ahead here with a grand total of 11 birdies.

    Least Number of Bogies: The honor for least bogies goes to Russ (ColumbusStorm) who managed just 4 across 36 holes. Bravo!

    Greatest overall total distance made putts: Several players managed over 200ft in distance made putts, pretty impressive given Kiawah's notorious greens. DaskinoIanzzz, fmagnets, and Corwyn were the players (with Shankette coming in just under 200). Corwyn's total of 220.86 just beat out Mags with 218.67.

    Longest putt made: was by BigKnight with a putt of 52.3ft in R1.

    Least # of Putts: Corwyn had the least # of putts, with 49 (26/23). Next was Mags with 50 (24/26).

    No 3-Putts: No fewer than 5 players managed to avoid a 3-putt: Corwyn, ColumbusStorm, Wesdogg75, JoeMaverick, and Ianzzz.


    Thank you everyone once again for taking part in this event.

    This Tough-It-Out challenge will be a regular monthly event through the year. It will run parallel to the VT each month and on the same course [when the VT course is a CCTH, we will use one of the 18-hole strokeplay courses not included in the main Tour]. Typically the Tough-It-Out challenge will fall in the 2nd and 3rd week each month. Also, I plan to compile the stats of each event into overall yearly Tough-It-Out Tour standings, with prizes on offer from myself for best position in various of these categories.

    I'm also considering the potential for a Tough-It-Out UEL Starters Ryder Cup in late spring/early summer, if there is enough interest, and the timing could work out.

    In the meantime, next up, Oakmont in mid-April! Hope to see you all there, and do please help spread the word. Thanks!

  • fmagnets
    3,638 Posts
    Wed, Mar 25 2015 7:18 PM

    Thanks C, and well done again on a great win. I'd like to give the L90 Nike Blacks a go with the Vapor irons to see if they are any more playable, so a sleeve of these would be great this time please.

  • oneeyedjohn
    9,567 Posts
    Wed, Mar 25 2015 8:59 PM

    I have played with RZN Black Vapor ball Level 92 for the last month, but found the meter too slow.

    Prefer the level 48.

  • MatildaIgaly
    1,822 Posts
    Wed, Mar 25 2015 11:36 PM

    Impressive rounds from some of the players. Especially Corwyn with his 65!!

    Read your game sum-up and got a few ideas how to improve my starter game. Hopefully it will pay of next round :)


  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Fri, Mar 27 2015 10:44 PM

    Glad to hear that Mati! I was hoping the round descriptions get read, lol. Seriously though, a bit of preparation through practice and being aware of some danger downhill lie spots in particular, gave that round the potential to be so successful. 


    Took longer than I thought to get back to the Prizes update... sorry! 

    I have PM'd Shoe with the following list (only Mags replied, so I've assumed everyone else wants what was listed).


    WGTdbloshoe very kindly offered a sleeve prize to each of the top 5 finishers on the final leaderboard. They are:

    1  Corwyn       lvl80 Nikes 

    2  fmagnets    lvl90 Black Nikes 

    3  Shankette    lvl90 Black Nikes 

    3  Legaci    lvl92 Black Vapor  

    3  ColumbusStorm  lvl81 Nikes  



    Special Prizes Stats spreadsheet

    I'll give a sleeve for the sub L70*, and the two putting categories.

    1) Longest putt made: was by BigKnight with a putt of 52.3ft in R1.

    2) Greatest overall total distance made putts:

    Several players managed over 200ft in distance made putts, pretty impressive given Kiawah's notorious greens. DaskinoIanzzz, fmagnets, and Corwyn were the players (with Shankette coming in just under 200). Corwyn's total of 220.86 just beat out Mags with 218.67.


    I will give a sleeve of balls for:

    4) Highest overall percentage of Greens in Regulation

    Turns out that 2 players both managed a superb 64% in this category: Jerm65 and DJW2307Joe was probably only expecting to give out 1 sleeve, so I'll chip in with one so both players can get a prize.


    5) Closest Ave. Distance to the Hole

    I'm set for a good month (with an unexpected, and ill-deserved placing in the MRO) so will offer up a late sponsorship of this prize (which is one of my favorite awards!). Wesdogg75 is the winner here, with a stunning total of 13.6ft Average Distance to the Pin.

    I'll let the sponsors of the Low score for particular levels/tiers chime in as they wish to see if they have feel there are worthy winners and/or prospective winners for those prizes can post here to claim.

    So, the following players from the list above won Special Prizes. Please post a reply to confirm what sleeve you would like from your generous prize sponsor (I've taken this list from what you each have equipped currently):

    BigKnight     lvl71 Nikes  TBC    [to be sent by bhoese]

    Corwyn     lvl71 Nikes  CONFIRMED    [to be sent by bhoese]

    Jerm65     Max Slow Meter Pro  TBC     [to be sent by JoeMaverick]

    DJW2307     lvl71 Nikes  TBC     [to be sent by Corwyn]

    Wesdogg75     lvl81 Nikes  TBC      [to be sent by Corwyn]


    Thank you so much to Shoe, and to all the prize sponsors!