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So now we know, if we didn't already

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Tue, Mar 3 2015 2:10 PM (105 replies)
  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Mon, Mar 2 2015 6:19 AM

    No way Jim, just had an experience at CC weekly 9 , 138 away with a 7-9 tail at 10:00 hit 9i with spin dot on or just below the v on the Cally ball. Shot went 148, theres no fookin way.

    Its a lottery , who cares if you can play on your phone, tablet whatever. My grandson downloaded WGT on his tablet,and its a freeking joke. Its fun for him sure, hes 4

  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Mon, Mar 2 2015 6:26 AM

    I'm not bring the other game into this, but I do know now from the other game its not me,and thats a fact.  I just never adapted to WGTways because I always go with what information is given to me, not, well the dots say this but, on this hole they are

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Mon, Mar 2 2015 6:48 AM

    I'm not bring the other game into this, but I do know now from the other game its not me,and thats a fact.

    That's a contradiction. On top of that, you're trying to compare apples to oranges. Once a download is involved the capabilities change drastically. Compare another golf game with no downloads to this one. IF you can find one.

  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Mon, Mar 2 2015 7:22 AM

    Agree, this is a lottery, the other is not. Why do you think they won't give us the option in practice mode to have a no wind?

    Because  its not  going to be consistent, and they don't want people saying well in no wind my club did this, and now it don't.

    I  guarantee you map the clubs there, hit the ding and its within a yard or 2 given the slope of the fairway, or green.

    This is now #2 in my book, I come here just to see whats new if anything, to see old friends, and after I play 3 holes  realize nothing has changed,and never will. But the price to play it keeps going up and up and up . Because its in our nature to have the best equipment available , because in our eyes that will make us better.

    This game could really be more than what it is , and for the life of me I don't know why  they won't  improve it . 

  • overtheedge
    5,878 Posts
    Mon, Mar 2 2015 7:34 AM

    You just made it easier for me by putting them right after your ridiculous challenge, instead of my having to pour over 17,082 posts of banner waving to find plenty of previous ones.


    There was no twist, pee on the face.

    Leave the PEE bashing to the malignant degenerates.

    You did Pee,,,,,LOL,, I love it.

  • oneeyedjohn
    9,567 Posts
    Mon, Mar 2 2015 8:43 AM

    I googled malignant degenerate, even looked in Wiki, and the UrbanDictinary, nope, nothing there....

    So I am lost for words.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Mon, Mar 2 2015 8:47 AM

    Why do you think they won't give us the option in practice mode to have a no wind?

    They had plenty of No Wind tournaments as a Legend to determine just how random results were. It was easy to see how the game works and how the shots deviated playing them over and over.

    It is also easy to see just how similar the results here are when compared to actual pro tour golf. I have followed every US Open, as most have, and see in them exactly what happens here. Mind you, those guys are not clicking a mouse like we are so obviously they're going to have inconsistencies in their shots. They aren't robots. You can nail the ding here every time and not get the same result based on a number of factors but the results are the same-shots hit pins and bounce into water, putts stop 2" short or lip out, wind is never steady, to mention a few.

    Golf, by nature, is inconsistent. Math isn't, it's exact. The only way you can turn an exact science like math into a replication of inconsistency is to introduce variables which is what WGT does. Those that understand that don't cry foul at results, they accept them the same way a pro accepts them IRL. Gamers refuse to accept that.

    I  guarantee you map the clubs there, hit the ding and its within a yard or 2 given the slope of the fairway, or green.

    The variable there is you and that ding. They don't have to build in variations because they take advantage of YOUR inconsistency in the swing. It's a completely different variable that Links players know quite well. This game turns numbers into golf and does a good job of simulating what you  see IRL.

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Mon, Mar 2 2015 8:48 AM


    Leave the PEE bashing to the malignant degenerates.

    You did Pee,,,,,LOL,, I love it.

    You two would make a handsome couple and you could share rolls of tin-foil.


  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Mon, Mar 2 2015 9:00 AM

    What I don't understand is "whats so hard to understand"!

    WGT admits to deviation/VEM, they admit that they have the ability to make the meter speed up to simulate a power swing(or make auto dings useless IMO) with all clubs except the putter, they don't admit it but it is obvious they can crank up VEM or turn it down, and admit they have no control over an individual game after it is live...

    They admit they are set up so the better your clubs and balls are the less it affects you too...

    If you play stroke play, ur game isn't messed with...

    If you play unlimited weekly/monthly, u see a little...

    Play monthly tournaments u see more...

    Play the tour tournaments u see a lot more...

    Play RG's and god only knows what you will see...

    They told us, we already knew it anyway, so if you don't like it don't play them...

    The best are the "I was playing for credits and the game disconnected for the 3rd time today" threads, LOL, get me once shame on you, get me twice shame on me!


    I can see the gripes about disconnects, as of last night I cant even connect to a game or a survey, but the "WGT controls the game", "VEM got me", "the wind is off, I hit a club yada yada yada" arguments are old and useless....everyone already knows why!

    As far as me not being able to connect, last time it was my firewall, my Java can't update unless I use win7, when all my add ons try to update the error message just says, "Dude! Really!! XP"!!! The World is trying to make me upgrade this pc, not the World Golf Tour and if I can't figure out a work around I have no choice but to "BLAME THOSE GREEDY WGT A$$HOLES"!!!! Naw, just bu!!sh!tting ya, upgrade!

  • garyk49
    2,318 Posts
    Mon, Mar 2 2015 9:09 AM


    Gary's shot could be correct.  138 with a tailing wind, didn't tell us the slope hitting into.  I think the 9 iron is same as the R11, 135.  He uses yellow Callaways.  Any ball with a distance number is going to change the distance on the club.  I shoot consistent 105/106 with a level 34 Callaway with my 100 yard wedge.  I plan for it.

    Now a question?  We all talk and try, most of the time, DING.  Actually how wide is the ding.  Lets say, for instance, it is 5 pixels wide.  Hit anywhere on those 5 pixels and you hear the ding.  But the actual 100% ding is the 1 pixel in the middle.  Hit that and get true ball flight.  Hit 1 or 2 either side, where does the ball end up.  This just might explain a lot.  We all know miss early or late the ball will not take off online or be affected more by the wind.  Hit the line either before or after and get somewhat of a draw or fade.  But really, just how wide is the ding?????