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North Korea

Fri, Jan 14 2011 8:50 AM (72 replies)
  • craigswan
    31,030 Posts
    Tue, Nov 30 2010 9:25 AM

    Have we not learned any lessons yet .Too costly in lifes and money .

  • overtheedge
    5,878 Posts
    Tue, Nov 30 2010 9:26 AM

    LMAO..SP. "Its" a waste. I figure "it" is definitly underage. Once confronted in an open end discussion, which is really an opinionated subject, he resorts to the proverbial "childish" name calling. These our the kind of subjects that make me want to yak....opps, I mean puke!

  • Yakublue
    125 Posts
    Tue, Nov 30 2010 1:11 PM

    'An open end discussion'!!!!.............You mean in order to take out political/military autocracy of no more than, say, 1000 people, you are willing to sacrifice the innocent lives of 25 million men women and children, you can sit there and cold bloodedly contemplate.....'well on the one hand we get rid of the few ruling elite on the other we wipe out a whole population and condemn the children of any survivors to horrific genetic disorders for generations to come.............awww, I can't make my mind up'.

    You brainless inhuman twats. I wish everything on you that you would condone done to millions of innocent others to defend your illusion of freedom.



    The Yak

  • Yappy22
    733 Posts
    Tue, Nov 30 2010 7:45 PM

    OMG has WW3 started...I was gettig a cup of coffee,,,WHAT THE #*#* HAPPENED????

  • oneputtdavid
    1,337 Posts
    Tue, Nov 30 2010 8:47 PM

    You brainless inhuman twats.


    Twatt,Yak, not twat....or twatt's, (plural)

  • CharlemagneRH
    1,054 Posts
    Tue, Nov 30 2010 10:52 PM


    I've forgot more about politics, and history then you'll ever know Rob.

    I teach classes on political science, American foreign policy, and most of all history. So I'm willing to guess you haven't sir.

    Credentials hardly mean anything when it comes to history, in my opinion, since there is so much disagreement out there about virtually everything amongst people with BS, MA, and PhD degrees, and because history (along the more short-term, recent history, i.e. journalism) is without question the #1 victim of propaganda campaigns... far more so than physics, chemistry, etc.  When something is of such political importance, it is perverted and "credentials" are eventually rendered meaningless.  There are probably hundreds of thousands of examples in historiography where so-called historians denied readily discernible truths for the purpose of political expedience / manipulation of the public mind.  Lengthy debate in which genuine dissenting viewpoints must be allowed to be argued by uncoerced dissenting parties -- which pretty much never happens, as such discourse is typically perilous to both the state and establishment historians -- is required to ascertain who is and is not competent in the field, not citation of credentials.  Unfortunately such debate rarely occurs, if at all, for a number of reasons, which is why history, despite being a matter of great importance, is a leader in obscurity, obsolescence, and to be quite honest, complete uselessness.  History is so perverted that it might as well not even exist in the realm of academia; instead, it should probably be sandwiched in between Jerry Springer and Cops.

    At any rate... just for fun, if you want to... summarize AJP Taylor's Origins.  3, 2, 1, go!

  • Yakublue
    125 Posts
    Wed, Dec 1 2010 3:01 PM

    Churchill wrote that history is written by the victors. A truism if ever there was one. Therefore written history is subjective at best, propagandist at worst. The teaching of history is therefore a profession I would never choose. If a history professor of mine lectured to me that 'Lennon' was a leader of the Bolsheviks I would take the view that he, my professor, is an impostor.



    The Yak

  • CharlemagneRH
    1,054 Posts
    Wed, Dec 1 2010 10:02 PM

    Churchill wrote that history is written by the victors. A truism if ever there was one. Therefore written history is subjective at best, propagandist at worst. The teaching of history is therefore a profession I would never choose. If a history professor of mine lectured to me that 'Lennon' was a leader of the Bolsheviks I would take the view that he, my professor, is an impostor.

    The Yak

    Hadn't kept track of who said what very well.  Yes, an MA in History calling himself a "Lennonist," unless he meant a "Beatles fan," is quite odd indeed.

    At any rate, as far as the original post in this thread goes, who is worse?  The USA or NK?  The US government has suffered so much damage to its credibility in the past 5-8 years that the whole thing has become surreal, and it is not just the US, but the entire "West," which long ago abandoned Western ideology in favor of something quite sinister.  I would always cringe a little when reading transcripts of Ahmadinejad when he would often cite the upcoming collapse of "The West," "Western ideology," etc. in his criticism of US foreign policy, George W. Bush, the UK, etc., but the simple fact is that the US and the UK elite do not follow Western ideology in the least; they only pretending to, often not even convincingly at all.  The notion that the US government, in the past 50-150 years, has followed the ideologies of Thomas Paine or Voltaire is frankly absurd.  Much ado was made about how people in modern times were supposed to be living in a world where "reason" reigned supreme, but we are more backwards than ever, and literally everything we hear is a lie.

    The upcoming collapse, of which Ahmadinejad speaks, however, is taken far more seriously than his belief that the US is somehow based upon the works of Paine, Voltaire, etc.  The collapse of the West is, at this point, completely unavoidable insofar as I can tell.  The exact nature of the US' demise is uncertain -- will it die relatively quietly, will it start WW III, etc.? -- but the fact that is in free fall is not.

    At least NK has the benefit of the excuse that it has a super power breathing down its neck, spying on it, etc. all the time.  At least some of NK's poor behavior can be blamed on this; it is not altogether surprising that a leader will act erratic when constantly threatened by a country with superior military might and a track record of putting it to use.  The US government, however, made the bed that it is now lying in completely by itself.

    All of this should not, in any way, be interpreted as meaning the US' problems lie entirely within the government or the top 2%, or that problems exist only in the US.  Pretty much everyone in this world is *** absurd -- rich, poor, whites, browns, blacks, Americans, Brits, Canadians, Australians, Israelis, etc.  We like to heap a lot of praise upon ourselves, but realistically, I wouldn't trust 90% of humans to mow my lawn or clean my pool, much less enter my house.

  • LeGeNdCrUsHeR
    2,067 Posts
    Wed, Dec 1 2010 10:22 PM



  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Thu, Dec 2 2010 4:41 AM

    I apologise for my straightforwardness....but I actually don't really give a feck about North or even South Korea for that matter. I could care less for Afghanistan, China, Iraq, Pakistan, Turkistan, Kazakstan and even Belurussia.

    What I do care about is enjoying life and having a laugh.

    So here goes.....
